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Knee Joint

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A life-size, fully functional model of the right knee with flexible, detachable ligaments.This model includes the lower part of ...
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  • A life-size, fully functional model of the right knee with flexible, detachable ligaments.
    This model includes the lower part of femur and upper parts of tibia and fibula as well as the following:
    insertion tendons of the straight muscle of the thigh
    kneecap with patellar tendons
    lateral ligaments, meniscuses and cruciate ligaments
    The principal movements of the knee joint, such as flexion and extension and outer and inner rotation can be demonstrated.
    Includes stand - may be removed from stand.
    Size 7" x 7" x 12-1/2"
    made in Germany by Erler_Zimmer
    For more information see: The Hip and Knee chart ISBN 9781587798665
    The Ligaments of the Joints chart ISBN 9781587794674
    Knee Injuries ISBN 9781587797576
    Product Format
    Trim Size
    7 x 7
  • Anatomical Chart Company
$ 109.99 USD $109.99

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Knee Joint

Knee Joint

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