Concise, clearly written, and vibrantly illustrated, Langman’s Medical Embryology, 15th Edition, makes complex embryology concepts approachable to help you build the clinical understanding essential to your success in medical practice, nursing, or other health professions. Hundreds of full-color illustrations clarify the stages of embryonic development with rich detail, and engaging learning features, clinical examples, and online review questions ready you for the challenges ahead on your exams and in clinical practice.
NEW! Medical Embryology Animations, now included with the purchase of the print book, allow users to visualize the stages of human development and master the corresponding anatomical relationships.
UPDATED! Clinical Correlates boxes reinforce clinically relevant content through realistic case-based scenarios you’re likely to encounter in practice.
UPDATED! More than 400 full-color illustrations, micrographs, and clinical images clarify key aspects of embryonic development in vivid detail.
UPDATED! Clinical vignette and USMLE-style multiple-choice questions, available via digital access, with answers provide valuable self-assessment and strengthen your test-taking confidence.
Problems to Solve boost your critical thinking capabilities.
End-of-Chapter Summaries detail key stages of development, terms, and clinical conditions for each chapter at a glance.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Publication Date
January 5, 2023
T.W. Sadler PhD
NEW! Medical Embryology Animations, now included with the purchase of the print book, allow users to visualize the stages of human development and master the corresponding anatomical relationships.
UPDATED! Clinical Correlates boxes reinforce clinically relevant content through realistic case-based scenarios you’re likely to encounter in practice.
UPDATED! More than 400 full-color illustrations, micrographs, and clinical images clarify key aspects of embryonic development in vivid detail.
UPDATED! Clinical vignette and USMLE-style multiple-choice questions, available via digital access, with answers provide valuable self-assessment and strengthen your test-taking confidence.
Problems to Solve boost your critical thinking capabilities.
End-of-Chapter Summaries detail key stages of development, terms, and clinical conditions for each chapter at a glance.
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