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Leddy & Pepper's Professional Nursing

Edition: 10
Publication Date:
November 15, 2021
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Leddy & Pepper’s Professional Nursing, 10th Edition provides an easy to read, highly practical, broad overview of the nursing profession, ...
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  • Leddy & Pepper’s Professional Nursing, 10th Edition provides an easy to read, highly practical, broad overview of the nursing profession, addressing philosophical, developmental, sociocultural, environmental, political, health care delivery, and leadership issues vital for career enhancement—for both pre- and post-licensure nursing students. This reliable, visually engaging text details professional nursing roles and client care issues and delivers strategies for managing the emotional and ethical dimensions of professional practice, encouraging students to think globally about nursing practice and equipping them with a conceptual and theoretical approach to patient care and professional nursing issues. 
    The updated 10th Edition reflects the latest developments in professional nursing, as well as recent changes in general health care that may impact clinical nursing practice. This edition also features a robust ancillary package featuring videos, critical thinking questions, and other interactive resources perfect for engaging today’s learners and ensuring preparation for clinical success.   
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    7 x 10
    Publication Date
    November 15, 2021
  • Lucy Hood PhD, RN
    Professor, MidAmerica Nazarene University, Olathe, KS
    • Section 1           Exploring Professional Nursing
      • Chapter 1           The Professional Nurse
      • Chapter 2           The History Behind the Development of Professional Nursing
      • Chapter 3           Contextual, Philosophical, and Ethical Elements of Professional Nursing
      • Chapter 4           Establishing Helping and Healing Relationships
      • Chapter 5           The Health Process and Self-Care of the Nurse
      • Chapter 6           Patterns of Knowing and Nursing Science
      • Chapter 7           Nursing Models and Theories
      • Chapter 8           Professional Nursing Processes 
    • Section 2           The Changing Health Care Context
      • Chapter 9           Health Care Delivery Systems
      • Chapter 10         Developing and Using Nursing Knowledge Through Research
      • Chapter 11         Multicultural Issues in Professional Practice
      • Chapter 12         Professional Nurse Accountability
      • Chapter 13         Environmental and Global Health
      • Chapter 14         Informatics and Technology in Nursing Practice
    • Section 3           Professional Nursing Roles
      • Chapter 15         Nursing Approaches to Client Systems
      • Chapter 16         The Professional Nurse's Role in Teaching and Learning
      • Chapter 17         Leadership and Management in Professional Nursing
      • Chapter 18         Quality Improvement: Enhancing Patient Safety and Health Care Quality
      • Chapter 19         The Professional Nurse's Role in Public Policy
    • Section 4           Envisioning and Creating the Future of Professional Nursing
      • Chapter 20         Career Options for Professional Nurses
      • Chapter 21         Development of a Professional Nursing Career
      • Chapter 22         Shaping the Future of Nursing
    • UPDATED! Coverage of current issues and trends ensures a confident transition to today’s nursing practice.  
    • Real-Life Reflections reinforce real-world workplace implications of nursing concepts. 
    • Questions for Reflection encourage reflective thinking and deepen students’ understanding. 
    • Take Note! alerts heighten awareness of important content takeaways. 
    • Professional Building Blocks highlight practical applications of theoretical concepts. 
    • Learning, Knowing, & Growing boxes facilitate self-assessment and help students improve specific skills. 
    • Concepts in Practice boxes translate chapter content to clinical application in nursing practice. 
    • Focus on Research features cultivate evidence-based practice.  
    • Professional Prototypes familiarize students with common documents or approaches they’ll encounter in professional practice. 
    • Nurse As Author assignments hone students’ professional writing skills. 
    • Figures throughout the text clarify challenging concepts and approaches. 
    • Tables enable students to easily compare theoretical approaches or review key theoretical concepts.
    • Key Terms & Concepts and Learning Outcomes keep students focused on essential material for efficient study. 
    • Your Digital Classroom features guide students to online resources for further study. 
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Leddy & Pepper's Professional Nursing

Leddy & Pepper's Professional Nursing

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975172626
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