Save over $40 when you order the complete package of Dr. Liebenson’s outstanding resources!
Improve sports performance, treat and prevent injury, re-train patterns, and much more with this comprehensive, multimedia package! The Functional Training Handbook helps you reach a whole new level of physical training while fostering lifelong health, mobility, and athletic development. World-renowned author, teacher, and health care provider Dr. Craig Liebenson provides clear, how-to information, sports-specific guidelines, and key principles that will keep you and your clients at peak performance. This money-saving package includes 3 DVDs and the Functional Training Handbook:
Functional Training Handbook Print and interactive eBook delivers clear, sport specific information across an array of activities that will keep your clients at peak performance. This book includes an ebook containing full contents as well as a powerful search, highlighting, note taking, and sharing tools to enhance the learning experience
Core Stability Training DVD focuses on quality of movement to enhance performance and avoid injuries. Derived from Yoga, Tai Chi, and Pilates, core stability training focuses on the importance of the body’s form during a workout. It also covers common health club mistakes and shows you Dr. Liebenson’s version of popular methods from leading experts from Europe and North America.
Flexibility, Yoga Training, and Ergonomic Postural Advice DVD demonstrates exactly how to achieve correct, diaphragmatic breathing, perfect posture, and overcome work-related stress resulting from extended sitting.
Functional Performance Training DVD is perfect for all ages and fitness levels as a key to restoring function and improving balance, agility, and power for the whole body. This DVD emphasizes movement patterns which are important for daily tasks and sport or recreational activities.
This package contains the following products:
9781582559209 Liebenson Functional Training Handbook
9781582559254 Liebenson Functional Performance Training DVD
9781582559223 Liebenson Core Stability Training DVD
9781582559216 Liebenson Flexibility, Yoga Training, and Ergonomic Postural Advice DVD
Product Format
Standard Package
Publication Date
June 25, 2014
Craig Liebenson DC
Private Practice, Los Angeles, CA
This money-saving package includes 3 DVDs and the Functional Training Handbook:
Functional Training Handbook Print and interactive eBook delivers clear, sport specific information across an array of activities that will keep your clients at peak performance. This book includes an ebook containing full contents as well as a powerful search, highlighting, note taking, and sharing tools to enhance the learning experience
Core Stability Training DVD focuses on quality of movement to enhance performance and avoid injuries. Derived from Yoga, Tai Chi, and Pilates, core stability training focuses on the importance of the body’s form during a workout. It also covers common health club mistakes and shows you Dr. Liebenson’s version of popular methods from leading experts from Europe and North America.Flexibility,
Yoga Training, and Ergonomic Postural Advice DVD demonstrates exactly how to achieve correct, diaphragmatic breathing, perfect posture, and overcome work-related stress resulting from extended sitting.
Functional Performance Training DVD is perfect for all ages and fitness levels as a key to restoring function and improving balance, agility, and power for the whole body. This DVD emphasizes movement patterns which are important for daily tasks and sport or recreational activities.
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