This text builds on the basic concepts and skills that the nursing assistant has already mastered. Recognizing that the students using this text have already completed their basic nursing assisting training and may have already been working in the profession, this text does not repeat information that is part of the basic nursing assistant training. Rather, this textbook is meant to be used in conjunction with, or as a follow-up to, a 'basic' nursing assistant textbook, such as Lippincott's Textbook for Nursing Assistants.
Chapter 14Introduction to Medication Administration
Chapter 15Common Medications
Appendix A Answers to the What Did You Learn? Exercises
Appendix B Caring For Organ and Tissue Donors and Recipients
Appendix C Basic Math Review
--Guidelines ('What You Do/Why You Do It') boxes summarize general job guidelines and help students understand why things are done a certain way. --Helping Hands and a Caring Heart boxes emphasize the importance of meeting a patient's emotional needs --Care Alerts notes raise the student's awareness of conditions that could lead to patient injury. --Tell the Nurse! Notes highlight patient signs and symptoms that a nursing assistant should always report to a nurse. --Stop and Think scenarios encourage classroom discussion and critical problem solving --Procedure boxes provide concise, clear instruction on performing procedures. --Nursing Assistants Make A Difference! Stories help students see that nursing assistants are a vital part of the health care team. --What Will You Learn? chapter openers previews the chapter and helps focus students' reading. --What Did You Learn? review exercises help students evaluate their understanding of the material.
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