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Lippincott Q&A Medicine

Review for Clinical Rotations and Exams
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Lippincott Q&A Medicine focuses on high-yield information specifically designed to help you improve your NBME subject exam score. This first-of-its-kind ...
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  • Lippincott Q&A Medicine focuses on high-yield information specifically designed to help you improve your NBME subject exam score. This first-of-its-kind resource zeroes in on exactly what you need to know, using tables, figures, mnemonics, and hundreds of sample questions in a concise, easy-to-read format—helping you make the most of valuable study time!
    • Increase your understanding and your knowledge with detailed rationales for both correct and incorrect answers—all provided immediately following the questions to eliminate flipping back and forth.
    • Prepare for boards with confidence—400 practice questions and a 100-question practice test ensure readiness for subject exams.
    • Benefit from a unique “Shelf Pearls” chapter based on the author’s clerkship review course, featuring a quick summary of essential topics to revisit before taking the exam.
    • Visualize key content and improve retention, thanks to a full-color design and more than 80 illustrations throughout.
    • Extend your learning beyond the book with the online question bank that contains all Q&A in digital format.
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
  • Mark Duncan
    Lance Chapman
  • 1. Cardiology
    2. Pulmonology
    3. Nephrology
    4. Gastroenterology
    5. Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders
    6. Infectious Diseases
    7. Hematology and Oncology
    8. Neurology
    9. Rheumatology
    10. Dermatology
    11. General Medicine
    12. Practice Exam
    13. Shelf Pearls
    Figure Credits
    • Increase your understanding and your knowledge with detailed rationales for both correct and incorrect answers—all provided immediately following the questions to eliminate flipping back and forth.
    • Prepare for boards with confidence—400 practice questions and a 100-question practice test ensure readiness for subject exams.
    • Benefit from a unique “Shelf Pearls” chapter based on the author’s clerkship review course, featuring a quick summary of essential topics to revisit before taking the exam.
    • Visualize key content and improve retention, thanks to a full-color design and more than 80 illustrations throughout.
    • Extend your learning beyond the book with the online question bank that contains all Q&A in digital format.
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Lippincott Q&A Medicine

Lippincott Q&A Medicine

ISBN/ISSN: 9781451114645
USD $51.99 Quantity :
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