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One of the most rewarding and helpful areas of primary care medicine is the opportunity to relieve the suffering of a patient in pain. Using a hands-on intervention can provide pain relief to the patient and professional satisfaction to the clinician. Manual Medicine offers primary care physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants the practical, hands-on guidance needed to accurately diagnose and provide initial management of commonly seen musculoskeletal problems. Dr. Frank Domino, along with physical therapists Steve Messineo and Mark Powicki, walk you step by step through the approach to a clinical problem (such as back pain or knee pain) and treatment. These easy-to-use maneuvers provide initial treatment that reduces suffering.
Starts with a patient’s complaint (for example, low back pain), guiding you through the process of obtaining patient history, a brief functional physical exam, and diagnosing the problem.
Equips you to use a set of physical maneuvers to provide immediate relief while a more detailed treatment plan can be developed – all clearly demonstrated both in print and in accompanying videos.
Helps you learn ideally suited techniques (such as muscle energy techniques, myofascial release, and positional release (strain-counterstrain) that are extremely low risk and are far safer than other care options such as opioids or NSAIDs.
Identifies specific dysfunctions based upon patterns of patient complains and physical exam findings, covering head and neck, upper back, upper extremities, lower back, hips, lower extremities, and non-musculoskeletal complaints with muscular etiologies.
Includes patient resources and sample billing and coding notes in each treatment chapter.
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Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
7 x 10
Publication Date
October 14, 2019
Frank J. Domino MD
Professor and Director of Predoctoral Education Department of Family Medicine and Community Health University of Massachusetts Medical School Worcester, MA
Starts with a patient’s complaint (for example, low back pain), guiding you through the process of obtaining patient history, a brief functional physical exam, and diagnosing the problem.
Equips you to use a set of physical maneuvers to provide immediate relief while a more detailed treatment plan can be developed – all clearly demonstrated both in print and in accompanying videos.
Helps you learn ideally suited techniques (such as muscle energy techniques, myofascial release, and positional release (strain-counterstrain) that are extremely low risk and are far safer than other care options such as opioids or NSAIDs.
Identifies specific dysfunctions based upon patterns of patient complains and physical exam findings, covering head and neck, upper back, upper extremities, lower back, hips, lower extremities, and non-musculoskeletal complaints with muscular etiologies.
Includes patient resources and sample billing and coding notes in each treatment chapter.
Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience with Enhanced Video, Audio and Interactive Capabilities!
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Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech
Manual Medicine for the Primary Care Team: A Hands-On Approach
ISBN/ISSN: 9781975111472
USD $94.99 Quantity:
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