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Manual of Nephrology

Edition: 9
Publication Date:
September 19, 2024
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  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    September 19, 2024
  • Edgar V. Lerma M.D.
    Seth Bernat Furgeson
  • Contents
    Dedication v
    Contributors vii
    Preface xi
    1 The Nephrology Consult (Urine Examination, Urine Studies
    Interpretation, Imaging) 1
    Muner M. B. Mohamed, Juan Carlos Q. Velez
    2 The Edematous Patient: Cardiac Failure, Cirrhosis, and
    Nephrotic Syndrome 9
    Robert Rope, David Ellison, Raghav Wusirika
    3 The Patient With Hyponatremia and Hypernatremia 33
    Helbert Rondon-Berrios
    4 The Patient With Hypokalemia or Hyperkalemia 52
    Jie Tang, Stuart Linas
    5 The Patient With an Acid–Base Disorder 65
    Anip Bansal
    6 The Patient With Hypocalcemia or Hypercalcemia 77
    Mohamed Hassanein, Edgar V. Lerma
    7 The Patient With Hypophosphatemia or Hyperphosphatemia 100
    Gates Colbert, Edgar V. Lerma
    8 The Patient With Hypomagnesemia or Hypermagnesemia 109
    Neil Samuel Umles, Joel Topf
    9 The Patient With Urinary Tract Obstruction (Emphasis on
    Kidney Stones) 125
    Alexander Hlepas, Anna Zisman
    10 The Patient With Urinary Tract Infection 144
    Abdul-Rehman Syed, Jessica Kendrick
    11 The Patient With Glomerular Disease or Vasculitis 172
    Russell S. Whelan, Joshua Thurman
    12 The Patient with Acute Kidney Injury 194
    Sarah Faubel, Charles Edelstein
    13 The Patient With Chronic Kidney Disease 22814 The Patient Receiving Chronic Kidney Replacement
    With Dialysis 239
    Natalie Beck, Seth Furgeson
    15 The Patient With a Kidney Transplant 248
    Sixto Giusti, James Cooper, Erik Stites
    16 The Patient With Kidney Disease and Hypertension
    in Pregnancy 267
    Maitreyee Gupta, Prasoon Verma, Silvi Shah
    17 The Patient With Hypertension 294
    Ruth Campbell, Seth Furgeson
    18 The Patient With Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease 322
    L. Parker Gregg, Sankar Navaneethan
    19 The Patient With Cancer and Kidney Involvement 338
    Mitchell H. Rosner, Amanda DeMauro Renaghan
    20 Practical Guidelines for Drug Dosing in Patients With
    Impaired Kidney Function 370
    Shehzad Rehman, Ali Olyaei
    Index 429
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Manual of Nephrology

Manual of Nephrology

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975218935
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