Written by emergency medicine practitioners for emergency medicine practitioners, Manual of Emergency Medicine Obstetrics provides a practical overview of all ...
Written by emergency medicine practitioners for emergency medicine practitioners, Manual of Emergency Medicine Obstetrics provides a practical overview of all trimesters in a convenient manual format. Nearly two dozen expert contributors representing both emergency medicine and obstetrics offer evidence-based treatment and management guidelines for virtually any situation you may encounter, providing a unique emergency medicine perspective on best practices for high-risk, high-stress obstetric situations in the ED.
Edited by a Harvard faculty emergency medicine practitioner and a University of Massachusetts practitioner/faculty member who is board certified in both emergency medicine and obstetrics/gynecology.
Covers general topics in pregnancy such as drug therapy, airway management, trauma, medical co-morbidities, and common surgical conditions.
Presents evidence-based coverage of both early and later pregnancy – from first trimester bleeding and ectopic pregnancy to peripartum cardiomyopathy and placental abnormalities.
Offers expert guidance on various types of deliveries, including emergency care of the third trimester pregnant patient with a focus on the precipitous delivery.
Discusses out-of-hospital deliveries, emergencies after delivery, and care of the mother and newborn.
A first-of-its-kind resource for emergency physicians, residents, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants.
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