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Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery: Shoulder

Edition: 3
Publication Date:
October 24, 2012
New edition forthcoming
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The Third Edition of The Shoulder , the respected volume in the Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery series has been fully ...
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  • The Third Edition of The Shoulder , the respected volume in the Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery series has been fully revised to cover current surgical techniques and to highlight the latest advances in shoulder arthroplasty. The world’s foremost shoulder surgeons explain their preferred approaches and offer step-by-step procedural guidance—including indications and contraindications for each procedure, warnings of potential pitfalls, guidance on managing complications, and tips and pearls garnered from years of surgical experience. New chapters cover recent advances in arthroscopic surgery, rotator cuff and arthroplasty, treatment of shoulder instability, and management of traumatic shoulder injuries. Nearly 1200 full color illustrations and line drawings enhance surgical descriptions. A companion website provides fully searchable text and a detailed image bank.
    NEW in the Third Edition…
    • Eight new chapters describe the latest advances in arthroscopic surgery, rotator cuff and arthroplasty, treatment of shoulder instability, and management of traumatic shoulder injuries.
    • Contributions from world-renowned orthopedic surgeons share insights on their preferred techniques
    • 1,150 full color illustrations highlight detailed, step-by-step coverage of surgical techniques.
    • Companion website lets you search the complete text and provides a detailed image bank.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Hardcover Book
    Trim Size
    8.375 x 10.875
    Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery
    Publication Date
    October 24, 2012
  • Edward V Craig MD
    Department of Orthopaedics, Weill Medical College of Cornell University; and Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, New York.
  • PART I Arthroscopy 1
    Arthroscopic Subacromial Decompression and Rotator Cuff Débridement of Partial- and Full-thickness Tears 1
    Aaron J. Krych and Russell F. Warren
    Arthroscopic Distal Clavicle Excision 19
    Jeffrey S. Abrams
    Arthroscopic Repair of the Rotator Cuff 27
    Curtis R. Noel and Robert H. Bell
    Arthroscopic Partial Repair of the Rotator Cuff 47
    Patrick J. Denard and Stephen S. Burkhart
    Arthroscopic Repair of Anterior Instability 67
    Sven Lichtenberg and Peter Habermeyer
    Arthroscopic Repair of Posterior Instability 89
    Craig S. Mauro and David W. Altchek
    Arthroscopic Repair of Involuntary Multidirectional Instability 95
    Neil Ghodadra, Seth L. Sherman, Matthew T. Provencher, and Anthony A. Romeo
    Arthroscopic Treatment of the Arthritic Shoulder 107
    Nicholas D. Iag
    Arthroscopic Biceps Tenodesis and Release 117
    Pascal Boileau, Sumant G. Krishnan, Jason Old, and Gilles Walch
    CHAPTER 10
    Arthroscopic Capsular Release for the Stiff Shoulder 131
    Anup A. Shah, Laurence D. Higgins, and Jon J. P. Warner
    CHAPTER 11
    Arthroscopic Calcium Excision 141
    Steven J. Klepps, Chunyan Jiang, and Evan L. Flatow
    CHAPTER 12
    Arthroscopic Repair of SLAP Lesions 153
    Michael S. Bahk and Stephen J. Snyder
    CHAPTER 13
    Arthroscopic Treatment of Internal Impingement 165
    Daryl C. Osbahr and James R. Andrews
    CHAPTER 14
    Arthroscopic-assisted Repair and Reconstruction of Acromioclavicular Joint Instability 187
    Thomas M. DeBerardino, Augustus D. Mazzocca, Cory M. Edgar, Knut Beitzel, Andreas B. Imhoff, and Robert A. Arciero
    CHAPTER 15
    Arthroscopic Treatment of Painful Scapulothoracic Bursitis 197
    Michael Khazzam and John E. Kuhn
    CHAPTER 16
    Arthroscopy of the Subdeltoid Space and Biceps Tendon Transfer 205
    Samuel A. Taylor, Moira M. McCarthy, Ashley M. Newman, and Stephen J. O’Brien
    CHAPTER 17
    Arthroscopic Suprascapular Nerve Decompression 223
    Eric D. Bava and Sumant G. Krishnan

    PART II Shoulder Instability 231
    CHAPTER 18
    Open Surgical Reconstruction of Acute and Chronic Acromioclavicular Joint Instability 231
    Augustus D. Mazzocca, Cory M. Edgar, Knut Beitzel, Andreas B. Imhoff, Thomas M. DeBerardino, and Robert A. Arciero
    CHAPTER 19
    Open Repair of Anterior Shoulder Dislocations and Subluxations 243
    Bertram Zarins
    CHAPTER 20
    Anterior Reconstruction for Instability in the Throwing Athlete 257
    Richard J. Hawkins and John A. Zavala
    CHAPTER 21
    Anteroinferior Capsular Shift for Involuntary Multidirectional Instability 273
    Robert M. Orfaly, Michael A. Wirth, and Charles A. Rockwood Jr
    CHAPTER 22
    Capsular Repair for Recurrent Posterior Instability 305
    Edward V. Craig and James E. Tibone
    CHAPTER 23
    Surgical Techniques for Failed Instability Surgery Including the Latarjet Procedure 319
    Joshua S. Dines and David M. Dines
    CHAPTER 24
    McLaughlin Procedure for Acute and Chronic Posterior Dislocations 329
    Joseph D. Zuckerman

    PART III Rotator Cuff 345
    CHAPTER 25
    Mini-open and Open Techniques for Full-Thickness Rotator Cuff Repairs 345
    Edward V. Craig
    CHAPTER 26
    Open Repair of the Massive Rotator Cuff Tear 375
    Gerald R. Williams Jr and Peter Johnston
    CHAPTER 27
    Surgical Revision for Failed Rotator Cuff Surgery 391
    Jesse A. McCarron and Joseph P. Iannotti
    CHAPTER 28
    Latissimus Dorsi Transfers in Rotator Cuff Reconstruction and in Combination with the Reverse Total Shoulder Prosthesis 413
    Lawrence V. Gulotta and Christian Gerber

    PART IV Trauma 439
    CHAPTER 29
    Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Clavicular Fractures and Nonunions 439
    Daniel B. Chan, Peter Kloen, and David L. Helfet
    CHAPTER 30
    Surgical Treatment of Three-part Proximal Humeral Fractures with Plate Fixation 455
    Andrew S. Neviaser and Dean G. Lorich
    CHAPTER 31
    Proximal Humeral Arthroplasty for Acute Fractures 465
    Todd C. Moen and Louis U. Bigliani
    CHAPTER 32
    Operative Treatment of Displaced Surgical Neck Fractures of the Proximal Humerus 483
    Joseph Borrelli Jr and Charles N. Cornell
    CHAPTER 33
    Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Glenoid Fractures 493
    Thomas P. Goss, Travis C. Burns, and Brett D. Owens
    CHAPTER 34
    Percutaneous Fixation of Proximal Humeral Fractures 511
    Raymond R. White
    CHAPTER 35
    Operative Treatment of Tuberosity Fractures, Malunions, and Nonunions 525
    Edward V. Craig

    PART V Arthroplasty and Arthroplasty Alternatives 539
    CHAPTER 36
    Total Shoulder Replacement with Intact Bone and Soft Tissue 539
    Edward V. Craig
    CHAPTER 37
    Total Shoulder Replacement: Managing Bone Defi ciencies 569
    Robert H. Cofield and John W. Sperling
    CHAPTER 38
    Total Shoulder Replacement: Managing Soft-tissue Defi ciencies 595
    Wayne Z. Burkhead Jr, William H. Paterson, Robert J. Nowinski, and Jonathan E. Buzzell
    CHAPTER 39
    Surface Replacement Arthroplasty of the Shoulder 611
    David S. Bailie and Todd S. Ellenbecker
    CHAPTER 40
    Arthroplasty of the Shoulder Using theReverse Prosthesis 621
    Brian L. Puskas, Kevin L. Harreld, Deenesh T. Sahajpal, and Mark A. Frankle
    CHAPTER 41
    Minimally Invasive Total Shoulder Arthroplasty 661
    Laurent LaFosse and Kalman J. Piper
    CHAPTER 42
    Shoulder Arthrodesis 673
    Robin R. Richards
  • NEW in the Third Edition…
    • Eight new chapters describe the latest advances in arthroscopic surgery, rotator cuff and arthroplasty, treatment of shoulder instability, and management of traumatic shoulder injuries.
    • Contributions from world-renowned orthopedic surgeons share insights on their preferred techniques
    • 1,150 full color illustrations highlight detailed, step-by-step coverage of surgical techniques.
    • Companion website lets you search the complete text and provides a detailed image bank.
  • "This is one of those rare books that, despite the fact that there are four shoulder books already on your shelf, is worth adding. I can't imagine a finer collection of contributing authors on the topic of shoulder surgery."
    "Masterful! I have always loved this series, as I feel it lets me learn pearls from the best practitioners in the world. This entry on the shoulder is no different. Ed Craig has done a superb job of gathering the best in the world to keep us up to date. It is a great book and a worthy edition to the hospital, academic, and personal library. I may have to get an extra copy for the residents because they surely aren't going to get mine!"
    Doody's Reviews
    Mark R Hutchinson, MD(University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine)
    Weighted Numerical Score: 95 - 4 Stars!
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Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery: Shoulder

Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery: Shoulder

ISBN/ISSN: 9780781797481
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