Master the orthopaedic techniques preferred by today’s expert surgeons! The 3rd Edition of this superbly illustrated text remains your go-to resource for the most advanced and effective surgical techniques for the hip. More than 1,000 high-quality photographs and drawings guide you step by step through each procedure, and personal pearls from master surgeons provide operative tips that foster optimal care and outcomes. Eight new chapters bring you completely up to date with what’s new in the field.Key Features
Masterful coverage of new approaches and techniques, including extended greater trochanteric osteotomy and variations; arthroscopy for structural hip problems; double-tapered stems (ream and broach); techniques for proximal femoral deformity; custom triflange devices; and more.
Extended discussions of non-arthroplasty approaches, primary total hip arthroplasty, and revision total hip arthroplasty, as well as all-new coverage of techniques to manage infection and osteolysis in total hip arthroplasty.
Full-color, sequential, surgeon’s-eye view intraoperative photographs combine with radiographs and detailed drawings by noted medical illustrators to provide a highly visual guide to hip surgery.
The world’s foremost surgeons describe their preferred techniques in step-by-step detail, explain the indications and contraindications, identify pitfalls and potential complications, and offer pearls and tips for improving results.
Comprehensive coverage includes surgical approaches, non-arthroplasty approaches, primary total hip arthroplasty, complex primary total hip arthroplasty, revision total hip arthroplasty, special revision techniques, and concise sections on pre- and postoperative care.
Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, which can be downloaded to your tablet and smartphone or accessed online and includes features like:
Complete content with enhanced navigation
Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that pull results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web
Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation
Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text
Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues
Quick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use
Over 25 procedural videos enhance the learning experience
Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Trim Size
8.375 x 10.875
Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery
Publication Date
January 8, 2016
Daniel J. Berry MD
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
William Maloney MD
Key Features
Masterful coverage of new approaches and techniques, including extended greater trochanteric osteotomy and variations; arthroscopy for structural hip problems; double-tapered stems (ream and broach); techniques for proximal femoral deformity; custom triflange devices; and more.
Extended discussions of non-arthroplasty approaches, primary total hip arthroplasty, and revision total hip arthroplasty, as well as all-new coverage of techniques to manage infection and osteolysis in total hip arthroplasty.
Full-color, sequential, surgeon’s-eye view intraoperative photographs combine with radiographs and detailed drawings by noted medical illustrators to provide a highly visual guide to hip surgery.
The world’s foremost surgeons describe their preferred techniques in step-by-step detail, explain the indications and contraindications, identify pitfalls and potential complications, and offer pearls and tips for improving results.
Comprehensive coverage includes surgical approaches, non-arthroplasty approaches, primary total hip arthroplasty, complex primary total hip arthroplasty, revision total hip arthroplasty, special revision techniques, and concise sections on pre- and postoperative care.
Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, which can be downloaded to your tablet and smartphone or accessed online and includes features like:
Complete content with enhanced navigation
Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that pull results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web
Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation
Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text
Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues
Quick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use
Over 25 procedural videos enhance the learning experience
USD $279.99
USD $223.99
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