Clear and concise, with detailed surgical instructions, Master Techniques in Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery: Facial Plastic Surgery is the latest ...
Clear and concise, with detailed surgical instructions, Master Techniques in Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery: Facial Plastic Surgery is the latest addition to the highly regarded Master Series in Otolaryngology. Chapters cover the most critical and relevant topics in facial plastics & reconstructive surgery, including trauma, oculoplastic, rhinoplasty, and cosmetic procedures. Each follows an identical organizational structure to make it easier to review and digest important information across multiple surgical procedures. Features:
For specialists and generalists in facial restoration or rejuvenation.
Contributions from more than 50 international specialists in pediatric facial plastic surgery, oculoplastic surgery, dermatologic surgery, trauma surgery, and other fields.
Offers simple instructions on both invasive and non-invasive procedures for the brow, nose, eye/eyelid, forehead, and other facial regions.
Extensively illustrated with step-by-step instructions, intraoperative photos and line drawings.
Each procedure-specific chapter follows a similar structure: patient history, how to conduct a physical exam, indications and contraindications, pre-operative management, step-by-step surgical techniques, post-operative care and complications, pearls and pitfalls, required surgical instruments, and a reference list for further reading.
Videos for certain procedures available via the eBook site
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Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Master Techniques in Otolaryngology Surgery
Publication Date
December 30, 2017
Wayne F. Larrabee, Jr. MD, FACS
Department of Otolaryngology, Seattle, WA
James Ridgway MD
Sapna Patel
USD $287.99
USD $230.39
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Master Techniques in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery: Facial Plastic Surgery
ISBN/ISSN: 9781496397737
USD $287.99 Quantity:
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