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Maternity, Newborn, and Women's Health Nursing 2e

A Case-Based Approach
Edition: 2
Publication Date:
September 18, 2023
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4 Stars from Doody’s Review Service! Delivering a comprehensive, case-based approach drawn from real-world nursing scenarios, Maternity, Newborn, and Women’s ...
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  • 4 Stars from Doody’s Review Service!

    Delivering a comprehensive, case-based approach drawn from real-world nursing scenarios, Maternity, Newborn, and Women’s Health Nursing: A Case-Based Approach, 2nd Edition, brings patient-based care practices to life to help students master concepts, retain information, and think like nurses—whether they’re applying clinical judgment on the Next Generation NCLEX® or ensuring optimal care in clinical practice. 
    In-depth case studies threaded throughout the text introduce essential clinical content and reinforce the clinical relevance of key concepts by immersing students in patient-based narratives accompanied by engaging learning aids, quizzes, and application exercises that challenge students to apply what they’ve learned. Unit I confidently prepares students for clinicals, familiarizing them with preconception-to-postpartum care of individuals with common pregnancy-related pathologies and sequelae. Units II-IV detail uncomplicated pregnancies, high-risk conditions, and women’s health, incorporating recurring patient encounters to encourage empathy, stimulate learning, and reinforce understanding.
    Now even more approachable, this extensively revised 2nd Edition employs bias-free, gender-neutral language and a holistic emphasis on inclusivity and diversity to strengthen students’ cultural competence and ensure culturally sensitive patient care. Updated content empowers students with the latest coverage of COVID-19 and gender-affirming care, as well as new and enhanced learning features that reinforce essential nursing competencies and help students make a confident transition to clinical practice.   
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    8 3/8 x 10 7/8
    Publication Date
    September 18, 2023
  • Amy O'Meara
    • Unit 1: Scenarios for Clinical Preparation
      • Chapter 1: Bess Gaskell: Immediate Postpartum Hemorrhage
      • Chapter 2: Tatiana Bennett: Later Postpartum Hemorrhage
      • Chapter 3: Susan Rockwell: Gestational Diabetes, Deep Vein Thrombosis, and Postpartum Pulmonary Embolism
      • Chapter 4: Sophie Bloom: Preeclampsia
      • Chapter 5: Letitia Richford: Cord Prolapse and Nonreassuring Fetal Status
      • Chapter 6: Rebecca Sweet: Placental Abruption and Fetal Loss
      • Chapter 7: Hannah Wilder: Chorioamnionitis and Neonatal Sepsis
      • Chapter 8: Graciella Muñez: Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes and Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome
      • Chapter 9: Nancy Ng: Gestational Diabetes, Macrosomia, and Neonatal Cephalhematoma
      • Chapter 10: Lexi Cowslip: Advanced Maternal Age, HELLP Syndrome, and Neonatal Necrotizing Enterocolitis
      • Chapter 11: Edie Wilson: Migraine with Aura, Shoulder Dystocia, and Brachial Plexus Palsy
      • Chapter 12: Loretta Hale: Intimate Partner Violence, Formula Feeding, and Postpartum Depression
      • Chapter 13: Tanya Green: Gestational Trophoblastic Disease (Molar Pregnancy) and Advanced Maternal Age
    • Unit 2: Maternity and Newborn Nursing for Uncomplicated Pregnancies
      • Chapter 14: Before Conception
      • Chapter 15: Pregnancy
      • Chapter 16: Labor and Delivery
      • Chapter 17: After Delivery
      • Chapter 18: The Newborn
    • Unit 3: High-Risk Conditions and Complications
      • Chapter 19: Conditions Existing Before Conception
      • Chapter 10: Conditions Occurring During Pregnancy
      • Chapter 21: Complications Occurring Before Labor and Delivery
      • Chapter 22: Complications Occurring During Labor and Delivery
      • Chapter 23: Conditions Occurring After Delivery
      • Chapter 24: Conditions in the Newborn Related to Gestational Age, Size, Injury, and Pain
      • Chapter 25: Acquired Conditions and Congenital Abnormalities in the Newborn
    • Unit 4: Women’s and Gendered Health
      • Chapter 26: Wellness and Health Promotion
      • Chapter 27: Common Gynecologic Conditions
      • Chapter 28: Infections
      • Chapter 29: Family Planning
      • Chapter 30: Vulnerable Populations
    • UPDATED! Content reflects the latest approaches to COVID-19, gender-affirming care, and more. 
    • NEW! Building Clinical Judgment boxes incorporate SBAR reports and Socratic questioning to help students think deeply about chapter content and draw important connections to clinical judgment. 
    • NEW! Spotlight on Essential Nursing Competency boxes reinforce standard nursing competencies with a practicing nurse’s perspective. 
    • UPDATED! Clinical Judgment: The Nurses Point of View sections clarify the nurse’s perspective on patient-based scenarios in Unit 1 to help students recognize relevant nursing considerations and strengthen essential nursing competencies. 
    • Analyze the Evidence boxes present contradictory evidence to hone students’ critical analysis capabilities.
    • Patient Teaching boxes streamline patient communication with clear teaching points. 
    • The Pharmacy callouts provide fast reference to relevant medications broken down by problem rather than system.
    • Lab Values help students recognize out-of-range values and take appropriate nursing interventions.
    • Think Critically questions challenge students to synthesize chapter information and cultivate essential clinical reasoning skills.
  • 4 Stars from Doody’s Review Service!
    “This book offers a novel approach to maternity nursing education. It focuses on teaching from a story-based, integrative approach and utilizes cases as the pedagogic foundation for learning complex maternity newborn nursing concepts. The book's unique focus on clinical judgment provides opportunities for students to apply their newly acquired knowledge in a critical manner to promote patient safety.”
    – Elizabeth  M. Nutter, DNP, CNM
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Maternity, Newborn, and Women's Health Nursing 2e

Maternity, Newborn, and Women's Health Nursing 2e

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975209025
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