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McGlamry's Foot and Ankle Surgery

Edition: 5
Publication Date:
October 15, 2021
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Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023! Newly reorganized and streamlined, the fifth edition of McGlamry’s Foot ...
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  • Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023!

    Newly reorganized and streamlined, the fifth edition of McGlamry’s Foot and Ankle Surgery remains the definitive text for today’s podiatrist, foot and ankle surgeon, resident, or student, whether for everyday reference or preparing for certification exams. All clinical chapters have been formatted for ease of use, with clearly written, highly illustrated coverage of traditional as well as new and emerging techniques. Covering topics from perioperative management to postoperative complications, this must-have reference helps you master the full range of foot and ankle surgeries and procedures.
    • Addresses almost every aspect of foot and ankle surgery, from routine trauma of the foot and leg to compound deformities, enabling you to face any challenge with confidence.
    • Features 4,500 high-quality illustrations and clinical photographs, many new to this edition.
    • Includes access to numerous surgical and diagnostic videos from authors’ vast collections.
    • Provides step-by-step guidance from leading authorities who demonstrate how best to perform the surgeries they have refined and perfected, while offering valuable tips for optimizing outcomes.
    • Contains detailed coverage of common and unusual surgeries, broadening your treatment options and helping you prepare for any scenario.
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    • Easily converts to an audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Hardcover Book
    Trim Size
    8.5 x 11
    Publication Date
    October 15, 2021
  • Brian Carpenter DPM, FACFAS
  • C O NT E NT S
    Contributors viii
    Foreword xv
    Preface xvi
    Acknowledgments xvii
    Introduction xviii
    SECTION I General Management
    1 Biomechanics ........................ 3
    Douglas H. Richie Jr
    2 Imaging of the Foot and Ankle ......... 22
    Robert A. Christman and Albert V. Armstrong Jr
    SECTION II Perioperative Management
    3 Perioperative Evaluation ............. 123
    Andrea D. Cass and Roya Mirmiran
    4 Perioperative Pain Management ...... 143
    Andrew J. Meyr and Stephen A. McCaughan
    5 Complex Regional Pain Syndrome ..... 155
    Naohiro Shibuya and Daniel C. Jupiter
    SECTION III Forefoot Surgery
    6 Hallux Surgery ...................... 169
    Allan M. Boike and James C. Connors
    7 Second Metatarsophalangeal Joint ... 183
    Amber M. Shane, Christopher L. Reeves,
    Hannah J. Sahli, and Josh Sebag
    8 Digital Surgery ...................... 200
    Jarrett D. Cain, Rahn Ravenell, Miki Dalmau-Pastor,
    Guillaume Cordier, and Amy E. Bruce
    9 Lesser Rays ........................ 222
    William D. Fishco
    10 Distal Metatarsal Osteotomies in Hallux
    Abducto Valgus Surgery ............. 230
    Navita Khatri, Chandler J. Ligas, Shayla A. Robinson,
    Joshua J. Mann, Thomas A. Brosky II, and
    Patrick B. Hall
    11 Proximal First Metatarsal Osteotomy .. 242
    Molly S. Judge
    12 Proximal Midshaft Osteotomies
    of the First Metatarsal–The Mau,
    Ludloff, and Scarf Procedures ........ 278
    Tzvi Bar-David and Robert Fridman
    13 Lapidus Bunionectomy ............... 297
    Paul Dayton and Daniel J. Hatch
    14 Hallux Limitus ....................... 306
    Mitchell J. Thompson and Thomas S. Roukis
    15 Sesamoid Disorders ................. 342
    Sandeep B. Patel and Jason D. Pollard
    16 Hallux Varus ........................ 358
    Sara E. Lewis and Alan S. Banks
    17 Digital Fractures .................... 366
    Mickey D. Stapp and Trevor S. Payne
    18 Metatarsal Fractures ................ 380
    Stephen A. Mariash
    SECTION IV Midfoot Surgery
    19 Surgery for Chronic Recalcitrant
    Plantar Fasciitis ..................... 399
    Harry P . Schneider and Adam E. Fleischer
    20 Pes Cavus Surgery .................. 413
    Craig A. Camasta and Michael F. Kelly
    21 Flexible Valgus Surgery .............. 435
    Lawrence A. Ford and Francesca M. Castellucci-Garza
    22 Tarsometatarsal Joint (TMTJ)
    Conditions .......................... 455
    Asim A. Z. Raja, Ronald M. Talis, and
    Dhaval K. Amin23 Midfoot Fractures ................... 465
    James Thomas and Zach Tankersley
    24 Lisfranc Fracture/Dislocation ......... 492
    J. Randolph Clements and Rebekah Richards
    SECTION V Hindfoot Surgery
    25 Triple Arthrodesis ................... 505
    J. Michael Miller and Andrew P . Kapsalis
    26 Subtalar Joint Arthrodesis ............ 529
    Michael C. McGlamry and John C. Haight
    27 Talonavicular Joint Arthrodesis ....... 541
    Michael S. Lee, Jonathan D. Nigro, and Mary R. Brandt
    28 Interdigital Neuroma ................. 546
    Thanh L. Dinh, Amish K. Dudeja, and John A. Martucci
    29 Calcaneal Fractures ................. 558
    Jason R. Miller, Karl W. Dunn, and Christopher R. Hood Jr
    30 Talar Fractures ...................... 586
    Amol Saxena, Louie Shou, and John Grady
    SECTION VI Ankle Surgery
    31 Syndesmosis Injuries ................ 601
    George T. Liu, George S. Gumann Jr,
    and Robert B. Anderson
    32 Total Ankle Replacement ............. 622
    John M. Schuberth, Jeffrey C. Christensen,
    Jerome K. Steck, and Chad L. Seidenstricker
    33 Arthroscopy of the Ankle and Foot .... 647
    Chris Bourke, Meagan Jennings, and Graham Hamilton
    34 Ankle and Pantalar Arthrodesis ....... 673
    Steven R. Carter, Carl Kihm, and Aaron Bradley
    35 Ankle Fractures ..................... 698
    Travis M. Langan, Adam L. Halverson, David A. Goss Jr,
    Christopher F. Hyer, and Terrence M. Philbin
    36 The Management of Pilon Fractures:
    Operative Principles and Approaches. . 726
    Wesley Maurice Leong and J. Randolph Clements
    37 Supramalleolar Osteotomies .......... 752
    Shannon M. Rush and Eric Shi
    SECTION VII Special Surgery Conditions
    38 Charcot Neuroarthropathy ........... 773
    Lawrence A. DiDomenico, Ajay K. Ghai, Sharif
    Abdelfattah, Clay Shumway, and David Chan
    39 Surgical Considerations in the
    Rheumatoid Foot and Ankle. . . . . . . . . . . 805
    Thomas A. Brosky II, Adam D. Port, and
    Jeanne Mirbey
    40 Amputations ........................ 813
    Robert P . Taylor and Michael Van Pelt
    41 Bone Lengthening ................... 827
    Byron Hutchinson and Kelsey Millonig
    42 Dislocations ........................ 844
    Travis A. Motley and Eric A. Barp
    43 Open Fracture Management .......... 862
    Mark A. Hardy and James C. Connors
    44 Tarsal Coalition ..................... 870
    Michael S. Downey
    45 Benign and Malignant Tumors
    of Soft Tissue and Bone .............. 914
    Matthew J. Seidel, Judd Cummings, Ansab Khwaja, and
    Benjamin Meyer
    46 Skin Tumor Management ............. 935
    Tracey C. Vlahovic
    47 Excision of Accessory Bones ......... 940
    Adam E. Fleischer and Rachel H. Albright
    48 Nonunions and Malunions ............ 954
    Michelle L. Butterworth and Laura E. Sansosti
    49 Infections ......................... 1004
    David R. Collman and Christy M. King
    50 Cartilage Replacement
    Techniques ........................ 1055
    Alan Ng and Nilin M. Rao
    51 Acquired Peripheral Nerve
    Pathologies ........................ 1075
    D. Scot Malay, Andreas C. Kaikis, and
    William BrownellSECTION VIII Pediatric Surgery
    52 Juvenile and Adolescent Hallux
    Valgus ............................ 1123
    Kieran T. Mahan and Caitlin Mahan Madden
    53 Clubfoot ........................... 1135
    Mitzi L. Williams, Matthew D. Doyle,
    and Matthew B. Dobbs
    54 Pediatric Deformities ............... 1147
    Mitzi L. Williams and Matthew B. Dobbs
    55 Pediatric Foot and Ankle Fractures ... 1174
    David W. Gray and Jason M. Kennedy
    SECTION IX Soft Tissue Surgery
    56 Tendon Transfers ................... 1213
    Emily A. Cook, Jeremy J. Cook, Michael L. Sganga,
    and N. Jake Summers
    57 Tendon Tears/Lacerations ........... 1261
    John T. Marcoux and Sara Shirazi
    58 Achilles Tendon Disorders ........... 1277
    Alfred J. Phillips, Gina H. Nalbandian, and
    David J. Caldarella
    59 Ankle Ligament Repair .............. 1318
    Ryan B. Rigby
    60 Wounds and Flaps .................. 1339
    John S. Steinberg, Christopher E. Attinger,
    and Jayson N. Atves
    61 Complex Soft Tissue Injuries ......... 1375
    Peter A. Blume, Trusha Jariwala, and Laura P . Rowe
    62 Gastroc Recession ................. 1392
    Troy J. Boffeli and Samantha A. Luer
    SECTION X Special Surgery
    63 3D Printing ........................ 1403
    Selene G. Parekh
    64 Compartment Syndrome of the
    Lower Extremity and Foot ........... 1421
    Michael H. Theodoulou and Jennifer Buchanan
    65 Multiplanar External Fixation ........ 1436
    Bradley M. Lamm and Jordan J. Ernst
    66 Cages ............................. 1457
    Stephen A. Brigido and Dustin Constant
    67 Interpositional Arthroplasty .......... 1463
    Carl T. Hasselman and Alex J. Kline
    68 Forefoot Revision Surgery ........... 1474
    Thomas J. Chang
    69 Rearfoot and Ankle Revision ......... 1490
    Gage M. Caudell
    70 Free Flaps for Lower Extremity
    Trauma ........................... 1503
    Luke C. Bates, Peter Apel, and J. Randolph Clements
    Index I-1
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McGlamry's Foot and Ankle Surgery

McGlamry's Foot and Ankle Surgery

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