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Medical Marijuana: A Clinical Handbook

Edition: 1
Publication Date:
September 1, 2020
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Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023! Written by experienced clinicians for practicing physicians and other health ...
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  • Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023!

    Written by experienced clinicians for practicing physicians and other health care providers, this timely handbook presents today’s available information on cannabis and its uses in all areas of patient care. Medical Marijuana: A Clinical Handbooksummarizes what is currently known about the positive and negative health impacts of cannabis, detailed pharmacological profiles of both THC and CBD, considerations for each medical specialty, treatment approaches used by practicing clinicians, and insights into the history of cannabis and the current regulatory environment in the United States. This concise, easy-to-navigate guide is an invaluable resource for physicians and residents, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, and other clinicians who seek reliable clinical guidelines in this growing area of health care.
    • Organizes content by subspecialty, with chapters covering approved uses, side effects, interactions, potential benefits, and more.
    • Includes information on historical and cultural perspectives, current state of legalization in the U.S., cannabis chemical constituents, best practices for clinical use, and products currently available in legal cannabis dispensaries.
    • Provides current available evidence in addition to anecdotal findings of experienced prescribers.
    • Offers authoritative coverage from well-respected and trustworthy sources, providing an invaluable guide for expert recommendations and informed patient care.
    A companion website will offer clinicians additional and up-to-date information about cannabis. This will include new insights gleaned from studies published since the completion of the book, as well as updated information concerning state and federal regulations that affect cannabis. The website will be an invaluable resource for clinicians who want to stay abreast of the rapidly evolving regulatory environment surrounding cannabis and remain informed about the latest findings in the field of cannabinoid research.

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  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    6 x 9
    Publication Date
    September 1, 2020
  • Samoon Ahmad M.D.
    Professor of Psychiatry, New York University School of Medicine; Retired Unit Chief of the Acute Inpatient Unit, Bellevue Medical Center, New York, NY
    Kevin P. Hill MD, MHS
    Director, Division of Addiction Psychiatry, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
    Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
  • Foreword vi
    Prologue viii
    Prologue xiv
    Preface xix
    Acknowledgments xx
    1 Cannabis: An Introduction, 1
    2 The History of Cannabis, 20
    3 The Classification of Cannabis, 52
    4 Constituents of Cannabis, 63
    5 U.S. Cannabis Regulations From Past
    to Present, 120
    6 The Endocannabinoid System, 166
    7 The Pharmacology of Cannabis, 186
    8 The Pharmacodynamics of Cannabis, 264
    9 Commonly Encountered Preparations, 287
    10 Endocrinology, 308
    11 Oncology, 311
    12 Gastroenterology, 318
    13 Neurology, 323
    14 Psychiatry, 335
    15 Gynecology, 343
    16 Rheumatology, 347
    17 Internal Medicine/Primary Care, 352
    18 Ophthalmology, 363
    19 Hepatology, 367
    20 Dermatology, 372
    21 Cannabis Use Disorder, 378
    22 Adverse Effects, 383
    Table of ContentsAppendix A Glossary, 401
    Appendix B Current Regulations as of Early 2020, 406
    Index, 473
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Medical Marijuana: A Clinical Handbook

Medical Marijuana: A Clinical Handbook

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975141899
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