Home / Medicine / Merritt’s Neurology Review: Print + eBook with Multimedia

Merritt’s Neurology Review: Print + eBook with Multimedia

Edition: 1
Publication Date:
December 31, 2024
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An ideal study companion for the landmark neurology text Merritt’s Neurology, Merritt’s Neurology Review provides hundreds of case-based questions and ...
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  • An ideal study companion for the landmark neurology text Merritt’s Neurology, Merritt’s Neurology Review provides hundreds of case-based questions and answers to help you prepare for exams and keep you up to date in the field. Edited by Drs. Andrew Bauerschmidt, Jon Rosenberg, James M. Noble, Stephan A. Mayer, and Elan D. Louis, this all-new review tool has been compiled by Merritt’s Neurology authors and is designed to be used effectively both in print and online.
    • Corresponds chapter-by-chapter to Merritt’s Neurology, 14th Edition, offering over 750 questions based on plausible clinical scenarios, with clear rationales for correct responses
    • Features many high-quality, full-color tables, figures, and clinical from Merritt’s Neurology
    • Includes online access to interactive quizzes for convenient study—anytime, anywhere

    Enrich your eBook reading experience

    • Read directly on your preferred device(s),such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
    • Easily convert to audiobook,powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    7 x 9
    Publication Date
    December 31, 2024
  • Jon Rosenberg
    Andrew Bauerschmidt
    Stephan A. Mayer MD
    Director of Neurocritical Care and Emergency Neurological Services
    Westchester Medical Center Health Network
    Professor of Neurology and Neurosurgery
    New York Medical College
    Valhalla, New York
    Elan D. Louis MD, MS
    Professor of Neurology
    Linda and Mitch Hart Distinguished Chair in Neurology
    Chairman, Department of Neurology
    University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
    Dallas, Texas
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Merritt’s Neurology Review: Print + eBook with Multimedia

Merritt’s Neurology Review: Print + eBook with Multimedia

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975222864
USD $89.99 Quantity :
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