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Middle Range Theories

Application to Nursing Research and Practice
Edition: 5
Publication Date:
January 24, 2020
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Give students the knowledge and critical thinking capability to effectively select and apply theories. The premiere resource for nursing students ...
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  • Give students the knowledge and critical thinking capability to effectively select and apply theories. The premiere resource for nursing students completing major research or practice projects, Middle Range Theories: Application to Nursing Research and Practice, 5th Edition provides expert advice on selecting the appropriate theory for a nursing research project and developing the critical thinking skills needed to critique theories. Each theory chapter details examples of the theory’s use in research and its application to clinical practice, as well as critical thinking exercises and a variety of essential tools for the nurse researcher.
    Authors Sandra J. Peterson and Timothy S. Bredow cover the most frequently cited middle range theories that can be applied to research and practice, organizing them into Physiological, Cognitive, Emotional, Social and Integrative categories that allow students to easily apply them to projects. Thoroughly updated and focused on helping students develop the project management skills essential to today’s nursing workforce, this Fifth Edition introduces a new chapter and helpful box feature that guides students through the planning, management and evaluation of projects. 
    • NEW! Project management chapter familiarizes students with the process and tools for successful project planning, management and evaluation.
    • NEW! Project Management boxes demonstrate the effective application of theory to relevant research and practice projects.
    • UPDATED! Using Middle Range Theories in Researchoutlines the research process and provides examples of the use of theory in published research.
    • UPDATED! Using Middle Range Theories in Practice boxes help students apply theories to specific clinical scenarios.
    • Using Middle Range Theories in Projects boxes prepare students to effectively apply theories in graduate programs and clinical practice.
    • Critical Thinking Exercises at the end of each chapter engage readers in analysis of the theory and its application to practice.
    • Key Terms clarify chapter concepts at a glance.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    7 x 10
    Publication Date
    January 24, 2020
  • Sandra Peterson
    Timothy S. Bredow PhD, RN, NP-C
    Professor of Nursing, Bethel College, St. Paul, MN
    • Definitions of Key Terms appear at the beginning of each chapter to define concepts and aid the reader’s understanding of the theory.
    • Using Middle Range Theories in Research boxes provide examples of how the theory has been used in published research. These have been updated and reformatted, using an outline based on the research process.
    • Using Middle Range Theories in Practice boxes provide examples of theories applied to a specific clinical practice situation. They too have been reformatted so that the clinical issue and the use of the theory as a foundation for nursing intervention are clearly identified.
    • Using Middle Range Theories in Projects boxes provide examples of actual projects completed by students in graduate programs or nurses in clinical practice.
    • Critical Thinking Exercises at the end of each chapter engage readers in analysis of the theory and its application to practice.
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Middle Range Theories

Middle Range Theories

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975108311
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