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Neuroscience for Communicative Disorders

Edition: 6
Publication Date:
April 30, 2024
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Develop a practical understanding of neuroscience and confidently prepare for your future career as a clinician, researcher, or instructor with ...
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  • Develop a practical understanding of neuroscience and confidently prepare for your future career as a clinician, researcher, or instructor with this thoroughly updated, extensively illustrated bestseller.
    Favored by students and educators for its user-friendly approach to complex neurological concepts, Neuroscience for Communicative Disorders, 6th Edition, provides a simplified and meaningful overview of the basics of functional neuroscience enhanced by for problem solving studies that connect neuroscience to the specific disorders of cognitive communication you’ll encounter in practice. The 6th Edition introduces full-color images and reflects the latest findings and clinical applications in the field, making this trusted resource even more engaging and easy to use.
    • Improved structural clarity in figures highlights the relationship between neurological/ physiological concepts and cognitive communicative functions.
    • UPDATED! Applied content throughout the text familiarizes students with technological advances in the diagnosis and treatment of neurologically rooted communication disorders, as well as the latest approaches to speech-language pathology.
    • UPDATED! Question Bank for self-assessment with new multiple choice questions and end-of-chapter exercises challenges students to apply their understanding to a combination of neudiagnostic angios, MRI, CT scans, and brain dissection images.
    • Clinical Correlates and Clinical Relevance boxes place concepts in a clinical context with relevant treatment examples and mental function cases.
    • UPDATED Case Studies at the end of each chapter reinforce the clinical application of concepts and hone students’ critical thinking capabilities, accompanied by detailed answers for each case. 

  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    8 3/8 x 10 7/8
    Publication Date
    April 30, 2024
  • Subhash C. Bhatnagar PhD
    Associate Professor of Speech Pathology and Audiology, Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology, Marquette University, Glendale, WI
    Pradeep Ramanathan PhD
    Lotfi Hacein-Bey MD
$ 101.99 USD $101.99

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Neuroscience for Communicative Disorders

Neuroscience for Communicative Disorders

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975197230
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