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Occupational Therapy Evaluation for Children

A Pocket Guide
Edition: 3
Publication Date:
February 18, 2025
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Portable, accessible, and fully up to date, Occupational Therapy Evaluation for Children: A Pocket Guide, 3rd Edition, gives readers the ...
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  • Portable, accessible, and fully up to date, Occupational Therapy Evaluation for Children: A Pocket Guide, 3rd Edition, gives readers the tools and concepts needed to effectively perform efficient evaluations of children. Aligned with AOTA’s 4th edition of the OT Practice Framework (OTPF-4) throughout, this pocket-sized guide is a concise, comprehensive reference perfect for coursework, as a laboratory resource, and for clinical practice. This easy-to-use book provides detailed content on the OT evaluation process, relevant background information on typical child development and measurement principles for using standardized assessments, l  as well as step-by-step coverage of techniques, with up-to-date clinical examples, high-quality illustrations, and extensive tables that summarize key assessments, techniques, and actions.
    • Reflects the current ACOTE standards for conducting evaluations, the OTPF-4 evaluation process and terminology, and contains new and expanded content on family functioning and cultural relevancy evaluation methods and tools used for OT evaluation and research and for the assessment of handwriting, musculoskeletal upper extremity injuries, childhood trauma, and feeding.
    • Uses a revised and streamlined 8-step Guide to Evaluation Process to better reflect current practice.
    • Contains real-world clinical examples that demonstrate how concepts apply to practice.
    • Features numerous high-quality illustrations, tools, and tables, chapter review questions, and sample evaluation reports, as well as a table of assessments at the beginning of the book for quick reference.
    • Provides robust digital resources for students and instructors, including chapter proficiency quizzes; digital-only case studies; PowerPoint lecture slides; test questions; answers to open-ended in-text questions; and an instructor’s manual.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    February 18, 2025
  • Shelley E. Mulligan PhD, OTR
    Chairperson, Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Health and Human Services, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH
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Occupational Therapy Evaluation for Children

Occupational Therapy Evaluation for Children

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975220907
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