Part of the best-selling Operative Techniques series, Operative Techniques in Plastic Surgery, Trunk Reconstruction and Body Contouring provides superbly illustrated, ...
Part of the best-selling Operative Techniques series, Operative Techniques in Plastic Surgery, Trunk Reconstruction and Body Contouring provides superbly illustrated, authoritative guidance on operative techniques along with a thorough understanding of how to select the best procedure, how to avoid complications and what outcomes to expect. This stand-alone volume offers focused, easy-to-follow coverage of breast, trunk reconstruction and body contouring, all taken directly from the larger text. It covers nearly all plastic surgery operations for these specific areas that are in current use and is ideal for residents and physicians in daily practice.
Comprehensively covers reconstruction of trunk defects; breast reconstruction for cancer treatment, augmentation and reduction; other trunk problems such as hernias, body contouring after weight loss and buttock deformities; and much more.
Succinct text, bulleted points, and quick-reference tables allow you to review information quickly and understand best practices and potential problems for each procedure.
Hundreds of full-color intraoperative photographs and illustrations, as well as numerous high-quality videos, capture procedures step by step and help you immediately apply your knowledge.
Each clinical problem is discussed in the same templated format: definition, anatomy, patient history and physical findings, imaging, differential diagnosis, nonoperative management where applicable, surgical management including preoperative planning and approach, step-by-step surgical techniques, pearls and pitfalls, postoperative care, outcomes, complications and references.
Perfect for a quick preoperative review of the steps of a procedure.
Editors and contributors are globally renowned authorities in their respective subspecialties and are known for their surgical expertise.
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Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
June 3, 2019
Kevin C Chung MD, MS
Joseph J Disa MD, FACS
Contents Contributors vi Preface x PART 1 PLASTIC SURGERY OF THE BREAST SECTION I AUGMENTATION MAMMOPLASTY 1 Transaxillary Breast Augmentation 2 Louis L. Strock 2 Breast Augmentation: Subglandular, Subfascial, and Submuscular Implant Placement 9 Chet Mays and Bradley Calobrace 3 Breast Augmentation Plane: Dual Plane 26 Bill Kortesis and Charalambos “Babis” Rammos 4 Breast Augmentation With Round and Anatomic Implants 31 Bill Kortesis and Charalambos “Babis” Rammos 5 Female to Male Transgender Breast Surgery 39 Ann R. Schwentker SECTION II MASTOPEXY 6 Mastopexy: Periareolar, Vertical, and Wise Pattern 43 Ryan P. Ter Louw and Scott Spear † SECTION III REDUCTION MAMMAPLASTY 7 Reduction Mammaplasty 52 Peter Henderson and Joseph J. Disa 8 Inferior Pedicle 57 Paul A. Ghareeb and Albert Losken 9 Breast Reduction With Free Nipple Graft 62 Paul A. Ghareeb and Albert Losken 10 Gynecomastia 67 John T. Stranix and Alexes Hazen † Deceased SECTION IV BREAST RECONSTRUCTION FOR PARTIAL MASTECTOMY DEFECTS 11 Partial Breast Reconstruction With Local Tissue Rearrangement 73 Moustapha Hamdi 12 Local Flaps in Partial Breast Reconstruction 79 Moustapha Hamdi and Fadi Bakal SECTION V PROSTHETIC BREAST RECONSTRUCTION 13 Delayed Tissue Expansion 89 Hana Farhang Khoee, Edward C. Ray, and Joseph J. Disa 14 Tissue Expander With Acellular Dermal Matrix 92 Gabriel M. Kind 15 Immediate Tissue Expander 97 Eric G. Halvorson and Joseph J. Disa 16 Replacement of Expander With Permanent Implant 105 Eric G. Halvorson and Joseph J. Disa 17 Direct-to-Implant Breast Reconstruction 110 Amy S. Colwell and Eric J. Wright SECTION VI LATISSIMUS FLAP BREAST RECONSTRUCTION 18 Latissimus Flap 116 Peter Henderson and Joseph J. Disa SECTION VII ABDOMINAL FLAP BREAST RECONSTRUCTION 19 TRAM 120 Peter Henderson, Jeffrey A. Ascherman, and Joseph J. Disa 20 Free TRAM 126 Jennifer A. Klok and Toni Zhong 21 Muscle-Sparing Free Transverse Rectus Abdominis Myocutaneous (TRAM) Flap 135 Arash Momeni and Liza C. Wu22 DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction 141 Pierre M. Chevray 23 Abdominal Breast Reconstruction Using a SIEA Flap Approach 150 Adrian S. H. Ooi, Deana Shenaq, Julie E. Park, and David H. Song 24 Recipient Vessel Exposure—Internal Mammary and Thoracodorsal 159 Theodore A. Kung and Adeyiza O. Momoh 25 Inferior Gluteal Artery Perforator Flap Breast Reconstruction 164 Katie E. Weichman 26 Superior Gluteal Artery Perforator Flap Breast Reconstruction 171 Katie E. Weichman SECTION VIII OTHER FREE FLAPS 27 Profunda Artery Perforator Flap for Breast Reconstruction 176 Katie E. Weichman and Nicholas Haddock 28 Transverse Upper Gracilis Flap for Breast Reconstruction 181 Adeyiza O. Momoh 29 Skate Flap for Nipple Reconstruction 188 Katie E. Weichman 30 C-V Flap for Nipple Reconstruction 194 Katie E. Weichman 31 Nipple Reconstruction 197 Kasandra Dassoulas, Brendan Collins, and Bernard W. Chang 32 Low-Volume Fat Grafting for Contour Correction 202 Nolan Karp and Jordan D. Frey 33 Large-Volume Fat Grafting for the Breast 208 Wesley N. Sivak and J. Peter Rubin SECTION IX LYPHEDEMA 34 Lymphedema Microsurgery for Breast Cancer–Related Upper Limb Lymphedema 214 Ming-Huei Cheng and Jung-Ju Huang ART 2 TRUNK RECONSTRUCTION AND BODY CONTOURING SECTION I RECONSTRUCTION OF THE CHEST WALL 1 Pectoralis Flap for Chest Wall Reconstruction 226 Jeff J. Kim and David H. Song 2 Sternal Debridement and Application of Muscle Flaps 234 Sean M. Fisher, Jeff J. Kim, and David H. Song 3 Rectus Abdominis Flap for Thoracic Reconstruction 240 Maureen Beederman and David H. Song 4 Omental Flap for Thoracic Reconstruction 244 Amir Inbal and David H. Song 5 Latissimus Dorsi Flap for Chest Wall Defects 255 Essie Kueberuwa Yates and David H. Song 6 Serratus Anterior Flap for Chest Wall Reconstruction 259 Zachary J. Collier and David H. Song SECTION II RECONSTRUCTION OF THE ABDOMINAL WALL 7 Hernia Repair With Open Component Separation 268 Ibrahim Khansa and Jeffrey E. Janis 8 Ventral Hernia: Component Separation Technique 275 Mark W. Clemens and Charles E. Butler 9 Abdominal Hernia Reconstruction With Synthetic and Biologic Mesh 284 Sergey Y. Turin and Gregory A. Dumanian 10 Rectus Femoris Flap for Abdominal Wall Reconstruction 292 Alexander F. Mericli and Charles E. Butler 11 Lower Abdominal Wall Reconstruction With Lateral Thigh-Based Flaps 300 Dhivya R. Srinivasa and Jeffrey H. Kozlow SECTION III BODY COUNTOURING 12 Abdominoplasty 308 Alan Matarasso and Darren M. Smith 13 Abdominal Panniculectomy 314 Devra B. Becker 14 Abdominal Panniculectomy in Super Obese Patients 321 David J. Rowe 15 Buttock Lift 324 Michele A. Shermak 16 Circumferential Body Lift 331 Joseph Michaels and Jennifer Capla 17 Lower Posterior Torso and Buttock Sculpting 337 Dennis J. Hurwitz 18 Gynecomastia Procedures After Massive Weight Loss 347 Michele A. Shermak 19 Mons Pubis Reduction 352 Michele A. Shermak 20 Upper Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) 357 Jennifer Capla and Joseph Michaels 21 Upper Thigh Lift 361 Michele A. Shermak SECTION IV RECONSTRUCTION OF PERINEAL DEFECTS 22 Vertical Rectus Abdominis Myocutaneous Flap for Perineal Reconstruction 367 Sahil K. Kapur and Charles E. Butler 23 Gluteal Thigh Flap for Perineal Reconstruction 372 David Gerth and Christopher J. Salgado 24 Omental Flap for Pelvic Floor Reconstruction 375 Carrie K. Chu and Charles E. Butler 25 Posterior Labial Artery Flap for Vulvar and Vaginal Reconstruction 383 Chris A. Campbell 26 Vertical Rectus Abdominis Flap for Perineal Reconstruction 387 Dhivya R. Srinivasa and Jeffrey H. Kozlow 27 Gracilis Flap for Perineal and Vaginal Reconstruction 393 Ajani G. Nugent, Yasmina Zoghbi, and Christopher J. Salgado 28 Gender-Affirming Surgery 399 Katherine M. Gast and William M. Kuzon, Jr SECTION V RECONSTRUCTION OF PRESSURE INJURIES 29 Gluteal Flaps for Sacral Pressure Injuries 410 Terri A. Zomerlei and Jeffrey E. Janis 30 Posterior Thigh and Hamstring Flaps for Ischial Ulcers 417 John Hulsen and Jeffrey E. Janis 31 Tensor Fascia Lata Flaps for Trochanteric Ulcers 427 Terri A. Zomerlei and Jeffrey E. Janis 32 Repair of Flank and Lumbar Defects 433 Sergey Y. Turin, Chad A. Purnell, and Gregory A. Dumanian SECTION VI POSTERIOR TRUNK RECONSTRUCTION 33 Erector Spinae (Paraspinous) Muscle Flap 439 Lauren M. Mioton and Gregory A. Dumanian 34 Trapezius Muscle Flap 442 Lauren M. Mioton and Gregory A. Dumanian 35 Superior Gluteal Artery Perforator Flap 446 Lauren M. Mioton and Gregory A. Dumanian 36 Tissue Expansion for Trunk Defects 450 Ibrahim Khansa and Jeffrey E. Janis 37 Keystone Flaps 455 Theodore A. Kung and Peter Neligan 38 Treatment of Axillary Hyperhidrosis 461 David L. Larson Index 465
Operative Techniques in Breast Surgery, Trunk Reconstruction and Body Contouring
ISBN/ISSN: 9781496350428
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