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Operative Techniques in Craniofacial Surgery

Edition: 1
Publication Date:
June 3, 2019
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Part of the best-selling Operative Techniques series, Operative Techniques in Plastic Surgery provides superbly illustrated, authoritative guidance on operative techniques ...
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  • Part of the best-selling Operative Techniques series, Operative Techniques in Plastic Surgery provides superbly illustrated, authoritative guidance on operative techniques along with a thorough understanding of how to select the best procedure, how to avoid complications and what outcomes to expect. This stand-alone book offers focused, easy-to-follow coverage of injuries and diseases afflicting the craniofacial region, all taken directly from the larger text. It covers nearly all plastic surgery operations for this area that are in current use and is ideal for residents and physicians in daily practice.
    • Comprehensively covers craniosynostosis, orbital dystopias, maxillary surgery, mandibular surgery, skull defects, frontal sinus surgery, trauma surgery, and much more.
    • Succinct text, bulleted points, and quick-reference tables allow you to review information quickly and understand best practices and potential problems for each procedure.
    • Hundreds of full-color intraoperative photographs and illustrations, as well as numerous high-quality videos, capture procedures step by step and help you immediately apply your knowledge.
    • Each clinical problem is discussed in the same templated format: definition, anatomy, patient history and physical findings, imaging, differential diagnosis, nonoperative management where applicable, surgical management including preoperative planning and approach, step-by-step surgical techniques, pearls and pitfalls, postoperative care, outcomes, complications and references.
    • Perfect for a quick preoperative review of the steps of a procedure.
    • Editors and contributors are globally renowned authorities in their respective subspecialties and are known for their surgical expertise.
    Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience with Enhanced Video, Audio and Interactive Capabilities!
    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone
    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    June 3, 2019
  • Kevin C Chung MD, MS
    John van Aalst MD
  • Contributors vi
    Preface xii
    1 Fronto-Orbital Advancement 2
    Rajendra Sawh-Martinez and John A. Persing
    2 Fronto-Orbital Distraction 13
    Jesse A. Taylor and Wen Xu
    3 Posterior Cranial Vault Expansion 21
    Alexander Y. Lin
    4 Posterior Cranial Vault Distraction Osteogenesis 31
    Richard A. Hopper and Amy Lee
    5 Total Cranial Vault Remodeling 38
    Akira Yamada, Kenneth E. Salyer, Derek A. Bruce,
    and Frank R. Graewe
    6 Spring-Assisted Surgery for Sagittal Synostosis 45
    Lisa R. David and Claire Sanger Dillingham
    7 Transparietal/Transtemporal Distraction for Sagittal
    Craniosynostosis 53
    Kristen Klement and Arlen Denny
    8 Monobloc Frontofacial Advancement 58
    S. Anthony Wolfe and Nicole C. Cabbad
    9 Monobloc Distraction 67
    Peter J. Taub and Vincent A. Chavanon
    10 Split Calvarial Bone Graft Harvest 72
    Peter J. Taub
    11 Cranioplasty Reconstruction With Autogenous Rib
    Graft 77
    Scott J. Rapp
    12 Three-Dimensional Implant Reconstruction for the
    Cranial Vault 83
    Barry L. Eppley and Sunil Tholpady
    13 Alloplastic Reconstruction of the Calvarium 87
    Peter J. Taub
    14 Craniopagus Twins 91
    David J. Dunaway and Noor Ul Owase Jeelani
    15 Endoscopically Assisted Approaches for
    Craniosynostosis 98
    Timothy W. Vogel and Brian S. Pan
    16 Box and U-Shaped Osteotomies 104
    Sunil Tholpady, Robert J. Havlik, and Barry L. Eppley
    17 Facial Bipartition 110
    Jessica A. Ching and Christopher R. Forrest
    18 Orbital Expansion for Anophthalmia and
    Microphthalmia 123
    Brad Morrow and Rogerio I. Neves
    19 Surgically Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion
    (SARPE) 130
    Omri Emodi, Nezar Watted, and Adi Rachmiel
    20 Premaxillary Segment Setback 135
    Omri Emodi
    21 Le Fort I Osteotomy and Advancement 139
    Kathlyn Kruger Powell, Ahmed Elsherbiny,
    and John H. Grant III
    22 Le Fort I Distraction Osteogenesis 152
    Nicholas S. Adams and John W. Polley
    23 Segmental Le Fort I Advancement: Two and Three
    Piece 160
    Leo J. Urbinelli and Jeffrey A. Hammoudeh
    24 Le Fort II Osteotomy and Advancement 170
    Adi Rachmiel, Dekel Shilo, and Omri Emodi
    25 Le Fort II Advancement With Distraction
    Osteogenesis 174
    Eugenia K. Page, Colin M. Brady, and
    Joseph K. Williams
    26 Le Fort III Advancement 184
    Ghassan S. Abu-Sittah and Rawad S. Chalhoub
    27 Le Fort III Osteotomy With External Distraction 189
    Gökhan Tunçbilek
    Contents28 Minimal Access Le Fort III Osteotomy for Midface
    Hypolasia 202
    Scott J. Rapp and Christopher B. Gordon
    29 Secondary Alveolar Bone Grafting of the Cleft
    Alveolar Defect in Cleft Palate 211
    Richard E. Kirschner, Michelle Scott, and
    Matthew A. Hiersche
    30 Surgical Management of Facial Clefts 218
    David Matthews, Samer Abouzeid, and
    Edward W. Kubek
    31 Gingivoperiosteoplasty 224
    Mark C. Martin
    32 BMP Use in the Craniofacial Skeleton 231
    James P. Bradley and Kristen S. Yee
    33 Costochondral Reconstruction for Absent
    Temporomandibular Joint 239
    Patrick A. Gerety and Scott P. Bartlett
    34 Prosthetic Reconstruction of the
    Temporomandibular Joint 244
    Anthony P. Tufaro and Srinivas M. Susarla
    35 Osteocutaneous Parascapular Flap for Mandibular
    Reconstruction 251
    Ravi Garg and John W. Siebert
    36 Reverse Distraction to Create a Temporomandibular
    Joint 259
    Joseph Lopez and Anand R. Kumar
    37 Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy for Mandibular
    Deficiency 265
    Stephen B. Baker
    38 Inverted L Osteotomy for Mandibular
    Surgery 274
    Raymond J. Harshbarger
    39 Intraoral Vertical Ramus Osteotomy of
    the Mandible 280
    Deepak G. Krishnan and Haithem M. Elhadi Babiker
    40 Internal Mandibular Distraction 286
    Michael Alperovich and Roberto L. Flores
    41 External Mandibular Distraction for
    Micrognathia 291
    Haithem M. Elhadi Babiker
    42 External Transfacial Mandibular Distraction 301
    Brian S. Pan
    43 Mandibular Setback 307
    44 Osseous Genioplasty 318
    Mark E. Walker and Derek M. Steinbacher
    45 Alloplastic Chin Augmentation 326
    Barry L. Eppley and Sunil Tholpady
    46 Surgical Removal of Fibrous Dysplasia From the
    Craniofacial Skeleton 330
    Alexander Govshievich and Gaby Doumit
    47 Autologous Bone Harvest to Correct Open Skull
    Defects 342
    Michael Robert Pharaon
    48 Frontal Sinus Cranialization 347
    Mohamad Masoumy, Prasanth Patcha,
    Robert C. Dinsmore, and Jack C. Yu
    49 Frontal Sinus Obliteration With Fat 354
    Matthew M. Smith and Alessandro de Alarcon
    50 Pericranial Flap Harvest for Frontal Sinus
    Obliteration 358
    Mahmoud Hassouba and John A. van Aalst
    51 Endoscopic Correction of Frontal Sinus
    Fractures 362
    Patrick Colley, Kibwei A. McKinney, and
    Brent A. Senior
    52 Operative Management of a Late Presentation
    of Frontal Sinus Mucocele 369
    Kibwei A. McKinney and Brent A. Senior
    53 Correction of Orbital Floor Blow-Out Fractures:
    Variation 1 377
    Jean-Francois Lefaivre and David Charles A. Fisher
    54 Correction of Orbital Floor Blow-Out Fractures:
    Variation 2 384
    Henry C. Vasconez
    55 Correction of Lateral Orbital Wall Fractures 391
    Parit A. Patel
    56 Medial Orbital Wall Fractures 397
    Brad M. Gandolfi, Reena Bakshi, and Reza Jarrahy
    57 Correction of Orbital Roof Fractures 407
    Samita Sally Goyal and John N. Jensen
    58 Secondary Correction of Enophthalmos 415
    David Matthews, Samer Abouzeid, and SECTION VIII NASAL FRACTURES
    59 Closed Nasal Fracture Correction 421
    Benjamin C. Wood
    60 Open Treatment of Nasal Fractures 425
    Jeyhan S. Wood
    61 Naso-Orbital-Ethmoid (NOE) Fractures 433
    Craig Birgfeld and Joseph Gruss
    62 Closed Reduction of Zygomatic Arch
    Fractures 439
    Oluwaseun A. Adetayo
    63 Open Correction of Zygomatic Fractures 444
    Warren Schubert and Yeshaswini Thelekkat
    64 Addressing Late Malpositioning of the
    Zygomaticomaxillary Complex 452
    Warren Schubert and Yeshaswini Thelekkat
    65 Correction of Le Fort I Fracture 457
    Ananth S. Murthy
    66 Correction of Le Fort II Fracture 461
    Nataliya Biskup and John A. van Aalst
    67 Correction of Le Fort III Fractures 465
    Joseph Lopez and Amir H. Dorafshar
    68 Maxillomandibular Fixation of Mandible
    Fractures 471
    Joseph Baylan and Dana Johns
    69 Open Treatment of Mandible Fractures 475
    Joseph Baylan and H. Peter Lorenz
    70 Open Treatment of Condyle Fractures 483
    Michael Lypka
    71 Management of Mandibular Coronoid
    Fractures 491
    Raja A. Naddaf
    72 Surgical Correction of Nonunion of Mandible
    Fracture 495
    Howard D. Wang, Arthur J. Nam, and
    Amir H. Dorafshar
    73 Surgical Correction of Panfacial Fractures 502
    Detlev Erdmann and David B. Powers
    74 Pediatric Orbital Fractures 511
    James Y. Liau
    75 Surgical Correction of Pediatric Midface
    Fractures 518
    Eric Lowry Cole and Shelby R. Lies
    76 Management of Pediatric Mandible Fractures 526
    Nataliya Biskup and Brian S. Pan
    Index 533
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Operative Techniques in Craniofacial Surgery

Operative Techniques in Craniofacial Surgery

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