Part of the best-selling Operative Techniques series, Operative Techniques in Plastic Surgery provides superbly illustrated, authoritative guidance on operative techniques ...
Part of the best-selling Operative Techniques series, Operative Techniques in Plastic Surgery provides superbly illustrated, authoritative guidance on operative techniques along with a thorough understanding of how to select the best procedure, how to avoid complications and what outcomes to expect. This stand-alone book offers focused, easy-to-follow coverage of head and neck reconstructive surgery, all taken directly from the larger text. It covers nearly all plastic surgery operations for these specific areas that are in current use and is ideal for residents and physicians in daily practice.
Comprehensively covers anesthesia, facial lacerations, scalp and calvarium, mandible, lip, eyelid, nose, facial nerves, and much more.
Succinct text, bulleted points, and quick-reference tables allow you to review information quickly and understand best practices and potential problems for each procedure.
Hundreds of full-color intraoperative photographs and illustrations, as well as numerous high-quality videos, capture procedures step by step and help you immediately apply your knowledge.
Each clinical problem is discussed in the same templated format: definition, anatomy, patient history and physical findings, imaging, differential diagnosis, nonoperative management where applicable, surgical management including preoperative planning and approach, step-by-step surgical techniques, pearls and pitfalls, postoperative care, outcomes, complications and references.
Perfect for a quick preoperative review of the steps of a procedure.
Editors and contributors are globally renowned authorities in their respective subspecialties and are known for their surgical expertise.
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Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
June 3, 2019
Kevin C Chung MD, MS
Babak Mehrara
Contents Contributors vi Preface ix SECTION I ANESTHESIA 1 Local Anesthesia of the Face 2 Cerrene N. Giordano and Anthony M. Rossi SECTION II FACIAL LACERATIONS 2 Management of Facial Lacerations 11 John G. Fernandez SECTION III SCALP AND CALVARIUM 3 Scalp Reconstruction With Rotation Flaps 16 Finny George and Evan Matros 4 Scalp Reconstruction With Free Flaps 20 Finny George and Evan Matros 5 Scalp Reconstruction With Tissue Expansion 26 Finny George and Evan Matros 6 Calvarial Reconstruction With Split Rib Grafts 30 David A. Staffenberg and Gerald J. Cho 7 Calvarial Reconstruction With Split Calvarial Grafts 33 David A. Staffenberg and Gerald J. Cho SECTION IV SKULL BASE AND MIDFACE 8 Free Fibula Flap for Midface Reconstruction 37 J. Rodrigo Diaz-Siso and Eduardo D. Rodriguez 9 Soft Tissue Flaps for Maxillary Reconstruction 47 Ahmed M. Hashem and Brian R. Gastman SECTION V MANDIBLE 10 Mandible Reconstruction With Fibula Free Flap Using CAD/CAM Techniques 58 Jamie P. Levine, David L. Hirsch, and Lawrence E. Brecht 11 Mandible Reconstruction With Fibula Flap With Templates 66 Eric G. Halvorson 12 Mandible Reconstruction With Scapula Flap 73 Mouchammed Agko and Hung-Chi Chen 13 Lateral Mandible Reconstruction With Soft Tissue Flaps 83 Afshin Mosahebi, Evan Matros, and Babak J. Mehrara 14 Maxillomandibular Fixation 88 Cherry L. Estilo, SaeHee Kim Yom, and Joseph D. Randazzo SECTION VI LIP 15 Repair of Lip Commissure Defects With Estlander Flaps 91 Simon G. Talbot and Julian J. Pribaz 16 Repair of Lip Defects With Karapandzic Flaps 95 Simon G. Talbot and Julian J. Pribaz 17 Repair of Lip Defects With the Abbe Flap 99 Robert Beinrauh and Joseph H. Dayan 18 Lower Lip Reconstruction With the Nasolabial Flap 104 George Xipoleas and Matthew S. Kilgo 19 Lip Reconstruction With Radial Forearm Free Flap 109 Vishal Thanik SECTION VII EYELID 20 Direct Closure and Lateral Cantholysis 114 Aaron Fay and John Nguyen 21 Tenzel Semicircular Rotational Flap 120 John Nguyen and Aaron Fay 22 Eyelid Reconstruction With the Hughes Flap or Cutler-Beard Flap 125 Larissa Habib and Brian P. Marr 23 Lower Eyelid Reconstruction With Palatal Grafts 130 Farooq Shahzad, Babak J. Mehrara, and Aaron Fay 24 Lateral Tarsal Strip Canthoplasty 135 Richard H. Caesar SECTION VIII CHEEK 25 Cheek Reconstruction With Laterally or Medially Based Cervicofacial Flap 139 Sammy Sinno and Barry M. Zide 26 Cheek Reconstruction With Tissue Expanders 145 John T. Stranix and Barry M. Zide 27 Cheek Reconstruction With Free Radial Forearm Flap 152 John G. Fernandez 28 Cheek Reconstruction With Skin Grafts 158 Farooq Shahzad and Babak J. Mehrara SECTION IX EAR 29 Antia-Buch Flaps for Ear Reconstruction 165 Amir M. Ghaznavi and Brian R. Gastman 30 Postauricular Flap for Ear Reconstruction 169 Matthew M. Hanasono 31 Reconstruction of the Ear Lobe 174 Matthew M. Hanasono 32 Wedge Reconstruction of Partial Auriculectomy Defects 178 Edward I. Chang and Matthew M. Hanasono SECTION X NOSE 33 Nasal Reconstruction With Banner Flaps, Bilobed Flaps, and Nasolabial Flaps 182 Michael V. Chiodo and Pierre Saadeh 34 Nasal Reconstruction With Paramedian Forehead Flap 190 Robert D. Wallace and Petros Konofaos 35 Septal Flaps for Nasal Lining 201 Jordan D. Frey, John T. Stranix, and Pierre Saadeh 36 Radial Forearm Flap for Nasal Lining Reconstruction 207 Robert L. Walton and Brenton R. Robinson 37 Nasal Reconstruction With Skin Grafts and Composite Grafts 216 Steven M. Levine and Daniel C. Baker 38 V-Y Advancement Flaps for Nasal Reconstruction 219 Julian J. Pribaz and Simon G. Talbot SECTION XI CAVITY AND PHARYNX 39 Facial Artery Perforator Flap 224 Julian J. Pribaz and Simon G. Talbot 40 Facial Artery Musculo-Mucosal (FAMM) Flap 229 Julian J. Pribaz and Simon G. Talbot 41 Free Flap for Hemi-Tongue Reconstruction 234 Carrie K. Chu and Peirong Yu 42 Floor of Mouth Reconstruction 245 George N. Kamel, J. Alejandro Conejero, and Evan S. Garfein 43 Reconstruction of Total Glossectomy Defects 251 Mark Sisco and Mihir K. Bhayani 44 Reconstruction of Buccal Mucosal Defects 255 Imran Ratanshi and Colleen McCarthy 45 Jejunum Flap for Pharyngeal Reconstruction 265 Farooq Shahzad and Babak J. Mehrara 46 Anterolateral Thigh Flap for Pharyngoesophageal Reconstruction 272 Edward I. Chang and Matthew M. Hanasono 47 Pectoralis Major Flap for Pharyngeal Reconstruction 279 Michael A. Howard and Babak J. Mehrara 48 Supraclavicular Island Flap for Oropharyngeal Reconstruction 285 Michael W. Chu and Ernest S. Chiu SECTION XII FACIAL NERVES 49 Facial Reanimation in the Oncologic Patient Using Nerve Grafts and Nerve Transfers 291 Joseph H. Dayan 50 Temporalis Flap and Lengthening Temporalis Myoplasty for Facial Paralysis 298 Andre Panossian 51 Labbé Procedure: Lengthening Temporalis Myoplasty 308 Daniel Labbé and Pierre Guerreschi 52 Babysitter Nerves for Facial Reanimation 313 Adel Y. Fattah 53 Gold Weight Insertion for Upper Eyelid Reanimation 322 Larissa Habib and Brian P. Marr Index 325
Operative Techniques in Head and Neck Reconstructive Surgery
ISBN/ISSN: 9781975127275
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