This painted version of our budget-priced Mr. Thrifty® skeleton has muscle origins and insertions painted on the left side and important features numbered on the right side. Features include: rib cage cartilage 3 part skull: removable calvarium and spring mounted jaw Shoulder, wrist, hip, knee and ankle joints are moveable Hands and feet are not articulated Arms and legs may be removed Includes metal stand - may be removed from stand Booket with corresponding names to numbers included size 33-1/2" tall WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD -- Small parts Not for children under 3 yrs. For more information see: The Skeletal System chart ISBN 9781587790621 Blueprint for Health: Your Skeleton ISBN 9781587797354 Blueprint for Health: Your Muscles ISBN 9781587797378 Illustrated Pocket Anatomy: Muscular and Skeletal Systems ISBN 9780781776783
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