Home / Medicine / Pediatric Cardiology Board Review: Print + eBook with Multimedia

Pediatric Cardiology Board Review: Print + eBook with Multimedia

Edition: 3
Publication Date:
September 6, 2022
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Designed to effectively prepare pediatric cardiology fellows and practitioners for board certification and recertification, Pediatric Cardiology Board Review, Third Edition, ...
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  • Designed to effectively prepare pediatric cardiology fellows and practitioners for board certification and recertification, Pediatric Cardiology Board Review, Third Edition, provides easy access to more than 1,200 board-style questions. Based on the popular Mayo Clinic Pediatric Cardiology Review course and edited by Drs. Benjamin W. Eidem, Bryan C. Cannon, Jonathan N.  Johnson, Anthony C. Chang, Frank Cetta, Robert E. Shaddy, and Paul Kantor, it covers all the latest advances in the diagnosis and management of congenital heart disease, provides full explanations for every question, and helps you make the most of your study time. 

    • Offers complete coverage of all areas of pediatric cardiology, including anatomy and physiology, congenital malformations, cardiac catheterization and angiography, outpatient cardiology, cardiac intensive care, pharmacology, surgical palliation and repair of congenital heart disease, and much more. 

    • Contains new content on Fetal and Neonatal Cardiology, Genetics and Congenital Heart Disease, Acquired and Systemic Heart Diseases (including rheumatic fever, Kawasaki disease, auto-immune conditions, HIV, kidney disease, and multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children with COVID-19), and Classic Images in Congenital Heart Disease (featuring CXR images, echo clips, MRI/CTA images and cath/angio images of hallmark cases). 

    • The VST eBook supplies access to interactive versions of the multiple-choice questions as well as videos ensuring a thorough review of exam material. Over 1200 interactive, board-style questions.  

    Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience

    • Read directly on your preferred device(s),such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.

    • Easily convert to audiobook,powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.

  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Publication Date
    September 6, 2022
  • Benjamin W. Eidem MD, FACC, FASE
    Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine
    Divisions of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiovascular Diseases
    College of Medicine, Mayo Clinic
    Rochester, Minnesota
$ 179.99 USD $179.99

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Pediatric Cardiology Board Review: Print + eBook with Multimedia

Pediatric Cardiology Board Review: Print + eBook with Multimedia

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975180478
USD $179.99 Quantity:
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