Be ready to prescribe and administer drugs safely and effectively, with the fully updated Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice, 5th Edition.
Anchored in pharmacology and the principles of therapeutics, and written by experts in the field, this is your road map to effective drug therapies. Learn to correctly identify a disorder, review the drugs used to treat it, and select the optimal therapy. With expert direction on more than 50 common disorders, this is the ideal resource for advanced practice clinicians and students learning pharmacotherapeutics, and a go-to reference for experienced clinicians.
Learn best practices for selecting the safest, most effective drug therapies . . .
NEW section on pain management, addressing Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and use of cannabis
NEW and updated content on complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies, pharmacogenomics, liver disorders and substance use disorders
Easy-to-follow, evidence-based algorithms and drug tables
Content organized by drug class, with quick-scan access to generic and trade names, and dosages
Explains pharmacology and patient management topics – easy-to-remember, clearly worded definitions and descriptions of common presentations
Offers the foundation of drug therapeutics, including:
The prescribing process from pregnancy through elderly ages
Avoiding medication errors
Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, drug interactions and adverse events
Principles of antimicrobial therapy
Chapters organized by body system or disorder for quick-reference:
Dermatitis - Bacterial, fungal, and viral infections of the skin
Ophthalmic disorders, otitis media and otitis externa
Major depressive disorder, bipolar disorders, anxiety disorders
Chapter features include:
Brief overview – Pathophysiology of each disorder and relevant classes of drugs
Monitoring Patient Response section – What to monitor and when
Patient Education section – Includes information on CAM for each disorder
Drug Overview Tables – List drug uses, mechanisms of action, adverse effects, drug interactions, contraindications, and monitoring parameters
Algorithms – Visual cues on how to approach treatment
Case Study and Questions – Provided for each disorder
Instructor Resources – Case study answers, additional case studies, multiple choice questions, power points, acronyms list
Doody's 4 Star! Review "While there are other books on the topic content, this book provides readers with a simplistic approach to drug prescribing. It is more focused on patient management topics and the content is organized by drug class. This is an updated version with updated content for medications and treatment." - Yen Dang, PharmD for Doody's Book Review Service
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