Providing a comprehensive, evidence-based overview of physical therapy for older adults, this text integrates physical therapy concepts, evaluations, interventions, and ...
Providing a comprehensive, evidence-based overview of physical therapy for older adults, this text integrates physical therapy concepts, evaluations, interventions, and clinical examples with supporting videos and interactive learning assessments.
Taking full advantage of the electronic format, Physical Therapy for the Older Adult follows a standard chapter outline, beginning with online quizzes that set the stage for students, then moving into content, cases, and In-depth case videos. Every chapter has a beginning, middle and ending activity that gets students and practitioners thinking about the information to come and how to integrate new ideas into clinical practice.
Carole Lewis, recipient of the 2016 Mary McMillan Lecturer Award, brings her experience and expertise to this critical topic along with renowned co-editors and authors from across the country.
Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
September 27, 2017
Carole Lewis
Kevin K. Chui
Debra L. Gray
Gail M. Huber
An engaging electronic format brings concepts to life and gets students actively involved through embedded videos, activities, and quizzes in every chapter.
A strong, evidence-based approach helps students learn to evaluate research to ensure the greatest likelihood of a positive outcome.
Expert contributors provide strong voices from the field to inform and inspire students.
In-depth case videos illustrate key concepts and help students increase their depth of understanding.
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