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Pocket Primary Care

Edition: 3
Publication Date:
November 4, 2022
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Part of the highly popular and respected Pocket Notebook series,Pocket Primary Care, 3rd Edition, puts answers to common diagnostic ...
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  • Part of the highly popular and respected Pocket Notebook series,Pocket Primary Care, 3rd Edition, puts answers to common diagnostic questions in the outpatient setting at your fingertips in seconds. Dr. Curtis R. Chong and his team of expert contributors provide current evidence-based practices, accepted best practices, and real-world guidance on all major subspecialties, including appropriate workups and when to refer. This practical, high-yield reference mirrors the thought process of primary care clinicians in day-to-day practice, all in an easy-to-use, loose-leaf format that’s ideal for physicians, students, residents, nurses, and PAs—anyone who sees patients in today’s busy ambulatory settings.

    • Contains fully updated information throughout, including the latest clinical guidelines and new therapeutic recommendations.

    • Features bulleted lists, tables, diagrams, and algorithms that provide focused information on everything you need to know in order to make an accurate diagnosis and develop a treatment plan.

    • Includes a new chapter on COVID-19.

    • Covers all diseases and conditions commonly seen in the clinic or ambulatory setting, including topics such as routine screenings, health literacy, disease screening, psychiatry, women’s health, men’s health, and geriatrics.

    • Provides references to landmark papers that help residents and students confidently answer questions during rounds.

  • Edition
    Product Format
    Loose Leaf Binder Book
    Pocket Notebook Series
    Publication Date
    November 4, 2022
  • Curtis R. Chong MD, PhD, MPhil
    Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/Massachusetts General Hospital/Partners CancerCare
    Boston, MA
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Pocket Primary Care

Pocket Primary Care

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975183585
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