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Pocket Radiation Oncology

Edition: 1
Publication Date:
April 16, 2019
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Pocket Radiation Oncology is a practical, high-yield reference offering current, evidence-based practices and expert guidance from physicians at the world-renowned ...
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  • Pocket Radiation Oncology is a practical, high-yield reference offering current, evidence-based practices and expert guidance from physicians at the world-renowned MD Anderson Cancer Center. Featuring an easy-to-use, loose-leaf format, it serves as a concise clinical companion and board study guide for medical students, residents, and attending physicians in radiation oncology.
    • Follows the popular Pocket Notebook format, featuring bulleted lists, tables, diagrams, and algorithms that make essential facts easy to find and retain.
    • Emphasizes key literature and clinical trials in every section.
    • Provides solutions to day-to-day management decisions in radiation oncology, including management of radiation induced symptoms, radiation physics, radiation biology, pediatrics, and radiation emergencies.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    April 16, 2019
  • Chad Tang MD
    University of Texas
    MD Anderson Cancer Center
    Department of Radiation Oncology
    Houston, Texas
    Ahsan Farooqi MD
  • xi
    Section Editors: Aaron Joseph Grossberg, Albert C. Koong
    Radiation Biology 1-1
    Radiation Physics 1-7
    Imaging and Radiology 1-13
    Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy 1-19
    Clinical Statistics 1-29
    Section Editors: Penny Fang, Jennifer C. Ho, Steven J. Frank
    ytherapy 2-1
    oton Therapy 2-6
    ometastatic Disease 2-10
    eotactic Body Radiation Therapy 2-12
    eotactic CNS Radiosurgery 2-15
    Section Editors: Hubert Young Pan, Erik P. Sulman
    w-Grade Gliomas 3-1
    High-Grade Gliomas 3-4
    Meningioma 3-8
    Benign CNS 3-10
    Adenoma and Craniopharyngioma 3-15
    Section Editors: Ethan Bernard Ludmir, Arnold C. Paulino
    Medulloblastoma 4-1
    Ependymoma 4-4
    Intracranial Germ Cell Tumor 4-7
    umor 4-10
    oblastoma 4-14
    Ewing Sarcoma 4-16
    yosarcoma 4-19
    coma/Retinoblastoma/Brainstem Glioma 4-22
    ects 4-24
    Section Editors: Brian J. Deegan, Courtney Pollard III, Adam Seth Garden
    vity 5-1
    ynx 5-5
    Sinonasal and Nasopharynx 5-9
    ynx and Hypopharynx 5-15
    y Gland Neoplasms 5-22
    oid Cancer 5-25
    wn Head and Neck Primary 5-29  xiii
    Small Cell Lung Cancer 6-8
    ymoma and Thymic Carcinoma 6-13
    Mesothelioma 6-16
    Esophageal Cancer 6-20
    Section Editors: Lauren Elizabeth Colbert, Prajnan Das
    Colorectal Cancer 7-1
    Anal Cancer 7-4
    Pancreatic Cancer 7-9
    Gastric Cancer 7-13
    Hepatobiliary Cancer 7-17
    Section Editors: Jennifer Logan, Amy C. Moreno, Wendy Woodward
    General Breast Cancer 8-1
    Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS) 8-3
    y-Stage Breast Cancer (ESBC) 8-6
    Locally Advanced Breast Cancer (LABC) 8-11
    Inflammatory/Recurrent Breast Cancer 8-13
    Section Editors: Geoffrey V. Martin, Shalini Moningi, Mitchell S. Anscher
    ostate Cancer (Definitive) 9-1
    ostate Cancer (Adjuvant/Salvage) 9-7
    Bladder Cancer 9-9
    esticular Cancer 9-13
    enile Cancer 9-17
    Section Editors: Shane R. Stecklein, Ann H. Klopp
    Cervical Cancer 10-1
    Endometrial Cancer 10-5
    aginal Cancer 10-9
    ulvar Cancer 10-11
    Ovarian Cancer 10-14
    Section Editors: Kaitlin Christopherson, B. Ashleigh Guadagnolo
    Soft Tissue Sarcoma 11-1
    Melanoma 11-4
    Non-melanoma Skin Cancer 11-9
    Merkel Cell Carcinoma 11-12
    Section Editors: Tommy Sheu, Bouthaina Dabaja
    Hodgkin Lymphoma 12-1
    Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma 12-6Spine Metastases 13-5
    Non-spine Bone Metastases 13-8
    Radiation Emergencies 13-10
    Benign Disease: Non-neural 13-14
    Clinical Setup 13-16
    viations A-1
    • Follows the popular Pocket Notebook format, featuring bulleted lists, tables, diagrams, and algorithms that make essential facts easy to find and retain.
    • Emphasizes key literature and clinical trials in every section.
    • Provides solutions to day-to-day management decisions in radiation oncology, including management of radiation induced symptoms, radiation physics, radiation biology, pediatrics, and radiation emergencies.
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Pocket Radiation Oncology

Pocket Radiation Oncology

ISBN/ISSN: 9781496398598
USD $67.99 Quantity:
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