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Porth's Pathophysiology

Concepts of Altered Health States
Edition: 11
Publication Date:
December 21, 2023
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  • Your enhanced VST eBook includes a full suite of study tools on any device—both online and offline:

    • Anytime, anywhere access – study on the go with 100% offline access to your downloaded title
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    A definitive resource for students, instructors, and healthcare professionals for more than 40 years, Porth’s Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States, 11th Edition, maintains a legacy of making pathophysiology accessible through accurate, comprehensive, up-to-date coverage presented in a logical, engaging approach packed with learning features and application opportunities. 
    Focused on the scientific basis behind healthcare practices, this unique text relates normal body functioning to the physiologic changes that occur because of disease, as well as the body’s remarkable ability to compensate for these changes, establishing a holistic mastery of both the physical and psychological aspects of altered health. Early chapters detail fundamental concepts—such as cellular adaptation, inflammation and repair, and immunologic processes—followed by robust discussions of specific disease states. 
    The 11th Edition leverages the latest evidence-based information to support effective clinical decision-making in the changing healthcare environment, incorporating the expertise of contributors from an array of disciplines. Expanded definitions for key terms clarify complex healthcare alterations for today’s diverse student population, and nursing concepts added to this edition categorize content to reinforce essential ideas. Current technological advancements, inclusive language, and relevant terminology equip students with the tools to critically analyze complex patient situations and to apply their knowledge from their first day on the job with confidence and competence. 
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    December 21, 2023
  • Tommie L. Norris
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Porth's Pathophysiology

Porth's Pathophysiology

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975176914
USD $151.99 Quantity:
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