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Practical Peripheral Vascular Intervention

Edition: 2
Publication Date:
February 1, 2011
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Now on its Second Edition, Practical Peripheral Vascular Interventionis a how-to guide to state-of-the-art vascular interventional procedures for all arteries ...
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  • Now on its Second Edition, Practical Peripheral Vascular Interventionis a how-to guide to state-of-the-art vascular interventional procedures for all arteries and veins outside the coronary vascular system. Artery-specific chapters cover indications for interventional procedures, vascular anatomy, access, diagnostic angiography, and specific interventional techniques used by experienced practitioners.
    This edition encompasses recent developments in the field—including improvements in catheter, sheath, wire, balloon, and stent design, as well as the advent of distal emboli protection and other novel technologies.
    Discover what makes this resource clinically essential and visually informative…
    • Generously illustrated format (including over 300 large-size images) "shows" rather than "tells" trainees and clinicians the best approach to treatment.
    • Practical, how-to approach provides practical guidance to the interventionalist.
    • Authoritative contributions from editors who are practicing interventional cardiologists let readers benefit from both established and emerging technologies.
    New to the Second Edition…
    • New content addresses venous filters, venous thrombosis, and central venous occlusion.
    • Expanded section covers advances in intracranial stenting.
    • Increased coverage of cardiac noninvasive modalities broadens therapeutic options.
    • Larger page size allows for larger and additional images.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Hardcover Book
    Trim Size
    8.375 x 10.875
    Publication Date
    February 1, 2011
  • Ivan P. Casserly MB, BCh
    Denver VA Medical Center, VA Eastern Colorado Health Care System, Denver, CO
    Ravish Sachar MD
    Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Wake Heart and Vascular Associates, Raleigh, NC
    Jay S. Yadav MD
    Co-Founder and Chairman, CardioMEMS, Inc., Atlanta, GA
  • 1: Guidelines for Training and Credentialing in Peripheral Vascular Intervention
    Christopher J. White

    2: Hemodynamic Evaluation of Peripheral Arterial Disease
    Audrey Rosinberg and Melina R. Kibbe

    3: Noninvasive Evaluation of Peripheral Arterial Disease: The Role of Vascular Ultrasonography
    Ahmed Abdel-Latif and Khaled M. Ziada

    4: CT and MR Angiography
    Fadi El-Merhi and Michael Wholey

    5: Medical Therapy for Peripheral Arterial Disease
    Mobeen A. Sheikh

    6: General Angiographic and Interventional Principles
    Kent W. Dauterman, Ivan P. Casserly and Christopher T. Bajzer

    7: Balloons and Stents: Technology in the Periphery
    James P. Sur and Hitinder S. Gurm

    8: Debulking Technologies: Atherectomy and Laser

    9: Embolic Protection Devices
    Ravish Sachar and Jay Yadav

    10: Mechanical Thrombectomy and Peripheral Thrombolysis

    11: Carotid Stent Data
    Jacqueline Saw and William Gray

    12: Carotid Artery Stenting
    Ivan P. Casserly and Jay Yadav

    13: Complex Carotid Intervention
    Ravish Sachar, Ivan P. Casserly and Jay S. Yadav

    14: Extracranial Vertebral Artery Disease
    Debabrata Mukherjee, Pareena Bilkoo and Ken Rosenfeld

    15A: Acute Ischemic Stroke
    Alex Abou-Chebl and Vincent V. Truong

    15B: Intracranial Angioplasty and Stenting
    Alex Abou-Chebl and Vincent V. Truong

    16: Aortic, Iliac, and Common Femoral Interventions
    Robert Francis Bonvini and Marco Roffi

    17: SFA and CFA Disease
    Jeffrey A. Goldstein, Ivan P. Casserly and Krishna Rocha-Singh

    18: Infrapopliteal Intervention
    Mitchell J. Silver and Gary M. Ansel

    19: Endovascular Treatment of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
    Kenjiro Kaneko, Yuji Kanaoka and Takao Ohki

    20: Endovascular Treatment of Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms
    Karthikeshwar Kasirajan

    21: Endovascular Management of Visceral Artery Aneurysm
    Jayer Chung and Ross Milner

    22: Renal Artery Intervention
    Joel P. Reginelli and Christopher J. Cooper

    23: Mesenteric Vascular Intervention
    Ross Kessler and Brian Funaki

    24: Subclavian, Brachiocephalic, and Upper Extremity
    Leslie Cho, Ivan P. Casserly, and Mark H. Wholey

    25: Complications of Endovascular Interventions
    Subhash Banerjee and Tony S. Das

    26: Central Venous Obstruction
    Michael Wholey and William C.S. Wu

    27: Management of DVT
    Mitchell J. Silver and Jayme Rock-Willoughby

    28: Management of Hemodialysis Access
    Rajan K. Gupta

    29: IVC Filters
    Rajan K. Gupta

    30: Interventional Management of Varicose Veins
    Raghu Kolluri
  • Discover what makes this resource clinically essential and visually informative…
    • Generously illustrated format (including over 300 large-size images) "shows" rather than "tells" trainees and clinicians the best approach to treatment.
    • Practical, how-to approach provides practical guidance to the interventionalist.
    • Authoritative contributions from editors who are practicing interventional cardiologists let readers benefit from both established and emerging technologies.
    New to the Second Edition…
    • New content addresses venous filters, venous thrombosis, and central venous occlusion.
    • Expanded section covers advances in intracranial stenting.
    • Increased coverage of cardiac noninvasive modalities broadens therapeutic options.
    • Larger page size allows for larger and additional images.
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Practical Peripheral Vascular Intervention

Practical Peripheral Vascular Intervention

ISBN/ISSN: 9780781799140
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