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Radiographic Pathology

Edition: 2
Publication Date:
January 20, 2014
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This proven, easy-to-understand text is designed to help radiographic technology students succeed in the radiographic pathology course and prepare for ...
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  • This proven, easy-to-understand text is designed to help radiographic technology students succeed in the radiographic pathology course and prepare for the AART radiography exam. The only pathology textbook available today that adheres directly to newest ARRT and ASRT curriculum guidelines, this book concentrates on crucial components and minimizes extraneous information to ensure that study time is focused on what’s important. Packed with high-quality images relevant to a radiographic technology career, this text helps students:
    o Lay the foundation for correctly identifying pathologies on X-Rays and other imaging modalities, including CT, MRI, Ultrasound, and PET.
    o Understand the clinical relevance of good images with Case Studies that provide real-life applicability to obtaining and evaluating images of pathologic conditions
    o Prepare for clinical challenges with end-of-chapter Clinical and Radiographic Characteristics of Common Pathologies charts that provide an “at a glance” overview of common diseases.
    o Master key information and prepare for tests with built-in learning aids, including Goals and Objectives, Key Terms, Critical Thinking Discussion Questions, and Chapter Recaps, which are bulleted chapter summaries.
    To further ensure success, the book is accompanied by a set of FREE ancillaries, including Image Bank, Student PowerPoints, and Chapter Outlines. A Workbook is also available for extra practice.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    10.875 x 8.375
    Publication Date
    January 20, 2014
  • TerriAnn Linn-Watson M.Ed., ARRT (R,M) CRT (R,

    Radiologic Technology Program

    Professor, Montana State University, Billings

    College of Technology

    Billings, Montana
  • Chapter 1 The Pathologic Process
    Chapter 2 The Skeletal System
    Chapter 3 The Respiratory System
    Chapter 4 The Gastrointestinal System
    Chapter 5 The Hepatobiliary System
    Chapter 6 The Urinary System
    Chapter 7 The Reproductive System
    Chapter 8 The Circulatory System
    Chapter 9 The Nervous System
    Chapter 10 The Endocrine System
    Chapter 11 Contrast Media and Their Use in Radiography
    • Meet the needs of students who are cross-training and accommodate a mixed modality classroom with pathology examplespresented in multiple modalities , including X-Ray, CT, MRI, Ultrasound, and PET.
    • Provide real-life applicability to obtaining and evaluating images of pathologic conditions with NEW Case Studies in most chapters that include images of both normal and abnormal processes. Not available in any other text for the course.Prepare your students to meet the challenges they will face in practice with end-of-chapter Clinical and Radiographic Characteristics of Common Pathologies charts that provide an “at a glance” overview of the most common diseases they will encounter.
    • Increase your students’ mastery of key concepts with NEW Chapter Recaps —bulleted chapter summaries that maximize study time and help students assess their understanding. Not available in any other text for the course.Alert your students to what’s important with Tech Tips boxes that provide pointers and helpful hints.
    • Encourage critical thinking with open-ended Critical Thinking Discussion Questions that invite discussion.
    • Help your students focus their reading with chapter-opening Key Terms .
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Radiographic Pathology

Radiographic Pathology

ISBN/ISSN: 9781451112146
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