The core of the radiologic technology profession is to understand what is shown on an image and determine whether the outcome is of the highest diagnostic quality. Radiographic Positioning and Procedures is a new, unique text that not only shows students proper patient positioning and imaging procedures using various visual mediums, but also challenges vital critical thinking skills needed for success on the registry exam and in clinical practice. Experienced educator Jennifer Wagner strives to present the fundementals of anatomy, positioning, and image analysis of the imaging procedures outlined by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT).
Focuses on the standard imaging projections and specialty projections that align with ARRT content specifications. All projections associated with an exam are displayed together, showing the details of each projection and demonstrating the positioning and a correlative image highlighting image analysis criteria.
Highlights common exam indications, positioning considerations, anatomy, and anatomy identification relative to radiographic images.
Explains each projection and their associate procedures in a clear, step-by-step fashion.
Offers unique end-of-chapter critical thinking exercises and additional images presented for critique, so students can determine whether the image is of diagnostic quality.
Includes video clips demonstrating the positioning of projections for particular exams.
Features superb illustrations including anatomical art, photos, and radiographs.
Prepares readers for the ARRT certification exam.
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Product Format
Hardcover Book
Trim Size
8 3/8 x 10 3/8
Publication Date
August 29, 2025
Jennifer Wagner
USD $199.99
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