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Remote Monitoring: implantable Devices and Ambulatory ECG

Edition: 1
Publication Date:
August 15, 2019
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With a focus on the growing field of cardiology remote monitoring, this state-of-the-art reference provides must-know clinical and technical information ...
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  • With a focus on the growing field of cardiology remote monitoring, this state-of-the-art reference provides must-know clinical and technical information as well as recent advances in application, engineering, and clinical impact from the current literature. Authoritative coverage of implantable devices and ambulatory ECG brings you up to speed on recent practice changes in remote monitoring that have alleviated the volume of in-office patient follow-ups, allowed for physicians to monitor more patients, enabled better patient compliance, and most importantly, provided earlier warning signs of cardiac problems.
    • Includes sections on implantable devices and ambulatory ECG, covering topics such as patient safety, current guidelines and technologies, clinical indications, managing appropriate and inappropriate therapies, costs and reimbursement, data management, patient satisfaction issues, and much more.
    • Presents new guidelines and practice changes driven by recent clinical data.
    • Provides access to practical, current information in an easy-to-navigate, full-color format.
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    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    August 15, 2019
  • Jonathan S Steinberg
    Varma Niraj
  • Contents
    SECTiON 1 • i mplantable Devices 1
    1 Evolution of Technology to Meet the Need ................................................................................3
    Haran Burri • Nicolas Dayal
    2 Assessing implantable Device Function ....................................................................................17
    Laurence Guedon Moreau
    3 Managing Atrial Fibrillation .........................................................................................................36
    Taya V. Glotzer • David T. Martin
    4 Remote Monitoring for Heart Failure .........................................................................................53
    Maki Ono
    5 Practical Guide to Optimizing Remote Monitoring Functions ..............................................60
    Sylvain Ploux
    6 Patient Satisfaction, Clinic Workflow, and Efficiency ..............................................................76
    Renato Pietro Ricci • Loredana Morichelli
    7 Electronic Health Records and implantable Devices: New Paradigms and Efficiencies ... 83
    David Slotwiner
    8 Big Data in Remote Monitoring...................................................................................................89
    Jonathan P . Piccini • Niraj Varma
    9 Remote Monitoring of Patients With CiEDs: What Do the Guidelines Say? ........................99
    Niraj Varma
    SECTiON 2 • Ambulatory ECG 105
    10 Understanding Technology and Equipment ......................................................................... 107
    S. Suave Lobodzinski
    11 Arrhythmia Diagnosis: Clinical indications and implications ............................................. 131
    Andrew H. Locke • Peter Zimetbaum
    12 Prognosis and Risk Stratification: Clinical i ndications and Results ................................... 151
    Iwona Cygankiewicz
    13 Measurement of Autonomic Tone in Cardiac implantable Electronic Devices ............... 171
    Larisa G. Tereshchenko
    14 Assessment of Therapeutic Efficacy ........................................................................................ 188
    Jeremy W. Docekal • Matthew Needleman • Jonathan S. Steinberg
    15 Cybersecurity of Cardiac Wearable and implantable Devices ............................................ 195
    Jean-Philippe Couderc • Alex Page • Mark Manning
    16 Emerging ECG Recording Technologies .................................................................................. 211
    Stavros Stavrakis
    17 Current and Future Needs of Ambulatory ECG ..................................................................... 224
    Takanori IkedaSECTiON 3 • Managing Heart Failure and Serious Cardiac Events
    With Non-implantable Devices 231
    18 Vital Signs and Parameters Reflecting Heart Failure Status ............................................... 233
    Kartik S. Telukuntla • W.H. Wilson Tang
    19 Wearable Cardioverter Defibrillator ........................................................................................ 243
    Sojin Y . Wass • Mina K. Chung
    Index ................................................................................................................................................................. 259
    • Includes sections on implantable devices and ambulatory ECG, covering topics such as patient safety, current guidelines and technologies, clinical indications, managing appropriate and inappropriate therapies, costs and reimbursement, data management, patient satisfaction issues, and much more.
    • Presents new guidelines and practice changes driven by recent clinical data.
    • Provides access to practical, current information in an easy-to-navigate, full-color format.
    Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience
    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone
    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech
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Remote Monitoring: implantable Devices and Ambulatory ECG

Remote Monitoring: implantable Devices and Ambulatory ECG

ISBN/ISSN: 9781496386076
USD $99.99 Quantity :
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