This multi-contributed, comprehensive book covers revision surgery for total hip and knee arthroplasty. The focus of Revision Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty will be on the techniques of revision surgery. Separated into a hip section and a knee section, each will include evaluation of the failed replacement, revision surgery, surgical technique, revision for specific diagnosis, complications, and postoperative management.
Product Format
Hardcover Book
Trim Size
10.875 x 8.375
Publication Date
August 28, 2012
Daniel J. Berry MD
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Robert T Trousdale M.D.
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Douglas A. Dennis M.D.
Colorado Joint Replacement Denver, CO
Wayne G. Paprosky M.D.
Rush University Medical Center Chicago, IL
SECTION 1 Perioperative Management of Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty and Total Knee Arthroplasty Patients 1
1 Anesthesia and Pain Management 3 Terese T. Horlocker 2 Venous Thromboembolism Prevention 17 Yi-Meng Yen and Jay R. Lieberman 3 Medical Morbidity and Mortality Following Revision Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty 33 Jeanne M. Huddleston and Kulsum D. Casey
SECTION 2 Evaluation of the Failed Total Hip Arthroplasty 45
4 Mechanisms of Total Hip Arthroplasty Failure 47 Piya Pinsornsak and Thomas P. Schmalzried 5 Evaluation of the Painful and Problematic Total Hip Arthroplasty 57 Paul F. Lachiewicz 6 Indications for Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty 65 Tony Danesh-Clough and Steven J. MacDonald
SECTION 3 Planning, Decisions, and Approaches in Revision THA 75
7 Critical Decisions in Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty 77 Daniel J. Berry 8 Operative Approaches 89 Daniel J. Berry
SECTION 4 Revision Techniques 111
9 Acetabular Component Removal 113 Douglas A. Dennis and Lee McFadden 10 Acetabular Revision with Metal Shell Retention 125 William A. Jiranek 11 Acetabular Bone Loss Classification 133 Scott M. Sporer, Wayne G. Paprosky, Karl Dermingian, and Brett Levine 12 Acetabular Reconstruction Options Based on Bone Loss 139 Daniel J. Berry 13 Cementless Acetabular Reconstruction in Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty 155 Craig J. Della Valle and Aaron G. Rosenberg 14 Uncemented Hemispherical Cups in Extreme Bone Loss 163 R. Michael Meneghini, Arlen D. Hanssen, and David G. Lewallen 15 The Use of Cages in Revision Arthroplasty of the Acetabulum 179 Allan E. Gross and Stuart M. Goodman 16 Triflange Cup 193 David K. DeBoer and Michael J. Christie 17 Pelvic Discontinuity 203 Daniel J. Berry and Wayne G. Paprosky 18 Use of Structural Allografts in Acetabular Revision Surgery 215 Scott M. Sporer, Wayne G. Paprosky, and Michael O’Rourke 19 Femoral Component and Cement Removal 221 Andrew H. Glassman 20 Femoral Bone Loss Classification 243 Neil P. Sheth, and Wayne G. Paprosky 21 Femoral Reconstruction Options Based on Bone Loss 259 Daniel J. Berry 22 Cemented Femoral Component Revision 271 Adam A. Sassoon and Daniel J. Berry 23 Proximally Porous-Coated Modular Stems 279 Thomas Parker Vail 24 Calcar Replacement Stems 287 Keith R. Berend and Adolph V. Lombardi Jr. 25 Extensively Porous-Coated Stems 293 Scott M. Sporer, Wayne G. Paprosky, Karl Dermingian, and Brett Levine 26 Fluted Tapered Uncemented Femoral Stems 303 Daniel J. Berry 27 Impaction Grafting of the Femur 313 James A. Browne and Miguel E. Cabanela 28 Allograft Prosthetic Composite 321 Daniel J. Berry 29 Proximal Femoral Replacement with Megaprostheses 331 David J. Jacofsky
SECTION 5 Revision/Reoperation fo r Specific Diagnoses 337
30 Surgical Management of the Infected Total Hip Arthroplasty 339 Brian J. Keyes, R. Michael Meneghini, and Arlen D. Hanssen 31 Revision for Hip Instability After Total Hip Arthroplasty 347 Matthew P. Abdel and Daniel J. Berry 32 Postoperative Periprosthetic Femur Fracture Around Total Hip Arthroplasty 361 Daniel J. Berry 33 Periprosthetic Osteolysis 385 William Maloney 34 Heterotopic Ossification 395 Vincent D. Pellegrini, Jr.
SECTION 6 Complications and Postoperative Management 407
35 Prevention and Management of Complications Following Total Hip Arthroplasty 409 Daniel J. Berry 36 Postoperative Care Following Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty 419 Daniel J. Berry
SECTION 7 Evaluation of the Failed TKA 423
37 Mechanisms of Failure in Total Knee Arthroplasty 425 William L. Griffin 38 Evaluation of the Painful Total Knee Arthroplasty 431 Douglas A. Dennis 39 The Aseptic, Failed Total Knee Arthroplasty: Indications for Revision 437 Tad M. Mabry and Mark W. Pagnano
SECTION 8 Preoperative Strategy 447
40 Preoperative Planning and Prosthetic Choices 449 Michael E. Berend and Douglas A. Dennis 41 Operative Exposures For Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty 461 Robert T. Trousdale
SECTION 9 Surgical Techniques 467
42 Removal of Implants in Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty 469 Daniel J. Berry 43 Balancing the Flexion and Extension Gaps in Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty 479 Bryan D. Springer and Thomas S. Thornhill 44 Classification of Bone Defects in Total Knee Revision 491 Joseph P. Turk and James P. McAuley 45 Minor Bone Defect Management in Revision Knee Arthroplasty 497 J. Bohannon Mason and Richard D. Scott 46 Major Bone Defect Management 505 Gerard A. Engh and Deborah J. Ammeen 47 Ligament Deficiency in Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty 517 Christopher M. Farrell and Giles R. Scuderi 48 Managing the Patella in Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty 531 R. Stephen J. Burnett and Robert L. Barrack 49 Fixation Techniques in Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty 541 Robert T. Trousdale
SECTION 10 Knee: Revision/Reoperation for Specific Diagnoses 545
50 Wound Complications 547 Henry D. Clarke, Susan Craig Scott, and W. Norman Scott 51 Extensor Mechanism Complications 559 Douglas A. Dennis and Michael E. Berend 52 The Infected Total Knee Arthroplasty: Prevention and Management 571 R. Michael Meneghini and Arlen D. Hanssen 53 Evaluation and Management of Periprosthetic Fractures after Total Knee Arthroplasty 589 Douglas A. Dennis and Christopher B. Lynch 54 Stiffness after Total Knee Replacement 601 Jess H. Lonner and Paul A. Lotke 55 Instability in Total Knee Arthroplasty 607 Kelly G Vince
SECTION 11 Salvage Procedures 613
56 Condylar Replacement Procedures 615 Mary I. O’Connor 57 Arthrodesis and Resection Arthroplasty of the Knee 621 Hari P. Bezwada, Jess H. Lonner, and Robert Booth Jr
SECTION 12 Complications and Postoperative Management 633
58 Avoidance and Management of Intraoperative Complications in Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty 635 Raymond H. Kim, Douglas A. Dennis, and Robert T. Trousdale 59 Postoperative Rehabilitation After Total Knee Replacement 651 Robert T. Trousdale
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