Hands-on guidance on treating neurologic disease.The best-selling Samuels’s Manual of Neurologic Therapeutics is a practical, accessible handbook for the ...
Hands-on guidance on treating neurologic disease. The best-selling Samuels’s Manual of Neurologic Therapeutics is a practical, accessible handbook for the diagnosis and treatment of neurologic disorders. Completely updated to reflect the most recent developments in the field, the book features a concise, intuitive outline format that makes today’s best approaches easy to find and apply.
Implement the current strategies to combat neurological diseases . Highlights include new pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatments for seizures; new molecular techniques and personalized approaches to neurologic cancers; new approaches for treating pain; the most recent intra-arterial therapies for acute stroke; and new treatments for neurologic infectious diseases.
Manage benign autoimmune conditions with the aid of a new chapter that discusses diagnosis via serological testing as well as therapies involving immune modulation.
Treat patients in resource-limited environments, thanks to a new chapter that focuses on cost-effective management options.
Locate the information you need quickly through accessible and well-organized chapters and an outline format.
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Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
5 x 8
Publication Date
May 9, 2017
Martin Samuels
Allan H. Ropper MD
Professor and Chairman of Neurology, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA; Remondi Chief of Neurology, St. Elizabeth's Medical Center, Boston, MA
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