One of our most popular charts is now available in a large format, 42 inches wide x 62 inches high. Printed on durable, tear-resistant flexible plastic, with a write-on/wipe-off surface (with dry erase pen), this oversize chart is perfect for teaching and demonstration. Three eyelets across the top make it easy to hang. This classic chart of The Skeletal System was illustrated by Peter Bachin in 1947 and continues to be one of our best sellers. Every illustration is finely detailed and labeled. The chart features 3 large illustrations showing the anterior, lateral and posterior views of the male skeletal system. Eight smaller illustrations show: a portion of long bone auditory ossicles ligaments of the right hand (dorsal and palmar views) ligaments of the right foot (dorsal and plantar view) the right knee joint (anterior and posterior views) Comparison of female pelvis to male pelvis is shown by a dotted outline. Laminated and paper versions are available in English and Spanish. Made in USA Available in the following versions:
20" x 26" heavy weight paper laminated with grommets at top corners ISBN 9781587790621
20" x 26" heavy weight paper ISBN 9781587790638
19-3/4" x 26" styrene plastic - latex free with grommets at top corners ISBN 9781587790621
18" x 25" 3-D PVC plastic ISBN 9781587790652
giant size 42" x 62" tear resistant lightweight plastic with grommets at top ISBN 9781587799822
20" x 26" heavy weight paper laminated with grommets at top corners Spanish ISBN 9781587799983
20" x 26" heavy weight paper Spanish ISBN 9781587799976
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