The extraordinary pace of health innovation and research over the past decades has created unprecedented opportunities to improve health care services and health outcomes for the community. Translational research is only successful when key stakeholders play a critical role in identifying gaps in knowledge, give suggestions for additional research, and facilitate the implementation of research into practice. This book provides the framework needed to engage stakeholders in the translational research process in order to successfully knowledge into practice and policy.
Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
February 6, 2019
Zoe Jordan BA, MA
Alexa McArthur
Mark McMillan
Introduction Chapter 1. Stakeholder Theory, Knowledge, and Value Chapter 2. Stakeholder Engagement in Health Research and Translation Science Chapter 3. Defining and Identifying Stakeholders Chapter 4. Barriers and Enablers to Stakeholders Engagement Chapter 5. Addressing the Gaps in the Translational Trajectory Chapter 6. From Science to Pragmatism
Stakeholder Engagement: The Role of Tacit Knowledge and Value Statements in Translational Science
ISBN/ISSN: 9781975124359
USD $19.99 Quantity :
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