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Statistics for Systematic Review Authors

Publication Date:
January 31, 2019
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The role of statistics in the systematic review process is extremely important. For healthcare providers and researchers completing a systematic ...
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  • The role of statistics in the systematic review process is extremely important. For healthcare providers and researchers completing a systematic review, this book demonstrates how to use the proper statistical method to determine the odds ratio, risk differential and other crucial measurements to verify the validity and applicability of your systematic review.
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    January 31, 2019
  • Catalin Tufanaru
    William J Huang
    Shwu-Feng Tsay
    Shin-Shang Chou
  • Section I: Statistical Evidence
    1. The Nature of Statistical Evidence
    2. Quantitative Study Design and Statistical Analysis
    3. Meta-Analysis
    Section II: Critical Appraisal of Statistical Evidence
    4. Importance of Critical Appraisal of Statistical Evidence
    5. Appropriateness of Statistical Analysis
    6. Appropriateness of Reporting
    Section III: Reporting Statistics in Systematic Reviews
    7. Reporting Statistics in Systematic Reviews
    8. Reporting Meta-Analysis
    9. Statistical Significance and Clinical/Practical Significance of the Results
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Statistics for Systematic Review Authors

Statistics for Systematic Review Authors

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975124090
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