Offering comprehensive coverage of all diseases and conditions affecting the colon, rectum, and anus, Steele’s Colon and Rectal Surgery provides authoritative guidance on the full range of today’s operative procedures. Edited by Dr. Scott R. Steele, Chairman of the Department of Colorectal Surgery at the Cleveland Clinic, and section editors Drs. Justin A. Maykel, Amy L. Lightner, and Joshua I.S. Bleier, this new reference contains 81 concise, tightly focused chapters that take you step by step through each procedure, guided by the knowledge and expertise of key leaders in the field from across the world.
Includes comprehensive coverage of the latest laparoscopic, robotic, and open diagnostic and surgical management techniques in all areas of colon and rectal surgery
Each chapter includes insightful section editor commentary throughout and concludes with a senior editor commentary written by Dr. Steele
Features a full-color design with hundreds of unique, detailed illustrations and photographs depicting the steps in today’s operative procedures
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Product Format
Hardcover Book
Trim Size
8 3/8 x 10 7/8
Publication Date
November 9, 2022
Scott Steele
Contents PART I The Gastrointestinal System and Perioperative Care in the Operating Room 1 Chapter 1 Embryology of the Colon, Rectum, and Anus ........................................................................... 1 Ferda Topal Celikkan; Mehmet Ayhan Kuzu Chapter 2 Anorectal Anatomy ................................................... 8 Annelot Kraima; Harm J.T. Rutten; Philip Quirke; Marco C. DeRuiter Chapter 3 Anatomy, Embryology and the Mesentery .....21 J. Calvin Coffey Chapter 4 Physiology of the Colon and Anorectum ........56 Tim Vanuytsel Chapter 5 Advanced Endoluminal Surgery .........................68 Emre Gorgun Chapter 6 Preoperative Risk Assessment and Prehabilitation of Colorectal Patients ....................................81 Paul MacKenzie; Timothy Rockall Chapter 7 Enhanced Recovery Pathways Following Colorectal Surgery ....................................................96 Manish Chowdhary; Fiona J. Carter; Nader K. Francis Chapter 8 Effective Pain Management After Colorectal Surgery ...........................................................111 Rowan R. Sheldon; Jace J. Franko; Vance Y. Sohn Chapter 9 General Postoperative Complications Following Colorectal Surgery ..................................................120 Michel Adamina; Thomas Bächler Chapter 10 Anastomotic Leaks ..............................................129 Pamela Daher; Alessandro Fichera; James Fleshman Chapter 11 Technical Tips and Tricks in Colon Resection and Reconstruction ................................................137 John Migaly Chapter 12 Technical Tips and Tricks in the Pelvis ..........146 Ann-Marie Howell; Christos Kontovounisios; Paris Tekkis PART II Anorectal Disease 156 Chapter 13 Primary and Recurrent Anal Fissure ..............156 Oliver Jones Chapter 14 Hemorrhoids .........................................................169 Gregoire Longchamp; Nicolas C. Buchs; Emilie Liot; Frederic Ris Chapter 15 Anorectal Abscesses and Fistulas ..................182 Sarah E. Koller; Andreas M. Kaiser Chapter 16 Rectovaginal Fistula ............................................202 Maxime K. Collard; Jérémie H. Lefevre Chapter 17 Rectourethral Fistula ..........................................212 Nimesh D. Naik; Kevin J. Hebert; Kevin T. Behm; Boyd R. Viers Chapter 18 Pruritus Ani and Dermatological Conditions ......................................................................................231 Vladimir Bolshinsky Chapter 19 Pilonidal Disease and Hidradenitis Suppurativa ...................................................................................241 Surya P . M. Nalamati; Elizabeth H. Wood; Craig A. Reickert Chapter 20 Sexually Transmitted Illnesses ........................257 Michael Benjamin Hopkins; David E. Beck Chapter 21 Anal Intraepithelial Neoplasia .........................271 Danielle R. L. Brogden; Oliver J. Warren; Sarah C. Mills PART III Malignant Disease 280 Chapter 22 Anal Cancer ............................................................280 Miquell O. Miller; Cindy J. Kin Chapter 23 Rare Tumors of the Anorectum ......................287 Emma V. Carrington; P . Ronan O’Connell Chapter 24 Presacral Tumors ..................................................296 Jim P . Tiernan; Peter M. SagarChapter 25 The Malignant Polyp ...........................................301 Simon P . Bach Chapter 26 Colorectal Cancer: Preoperative Evaluation and Radiological Staging ...................................307 Gina Brown; Deborah S. Keller Chapter 27 The Surgical Management of Colon Cancer .................................................................................320 Pieter J. Tanis Chapter 28 The Surgical Management of Rectal Cancer ................................................................................332 Eric Rullier; Quentin Denost Chapter 29 Neoadjuvant Therapy for Rectal Cancer ......366 Rob Glynne-Jones; Matthew L. Train; Colin Elton Chapter 30 Adjuvant Therapy ................................................391 Charlotte M. Huijts; Mirte M. Streppel Chapter 31 Intraoperative Radiotherapy for Colorectal Cancer ........................................................................401 Geerard L. Beets; Jacobus W. A. Burger Chapter 32 Local Excision of Rectal Neoplasia .................407 Chris Cunningham; Issam Al-Najami Chapter 33 Organ Preservation in Rectal Cancer ............415 Rodrigo Oliva Perez; Bruna Borba Vailati; Cinthia Denise Ortega; Laura Melina Fernandez; Guilherme Pagin São Julião; Angelita Habr - Gama Chapter 34 Management of Local Recurrence ................429 Elaine M. Burns; John T. Jenkins Chapter 35 Management of Stage IV Disease ..................444 Nicola S. Fearnhead Chapter 36 Multivisceral and Management of Recurrent Colorectal Cancer ...................................................460 Tamara Glyn; Verity Wood; Frank Frizelle Chapter 37 Epithelial Appendiceal Neoplasms ...............471 Shinichiro Sakata; Norman J. Carr; Tom D. Cecil Chapter 38 Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy .................479 Michael A. Valente Chapter 39 Neuroendocrine Tumors, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors, and Lymphomas of Colon and Rectum .......................................492 David J. Maron; Sandra L. Kavalukas Chapter 40 Hereditary Colorectal Cancer Syndromes .....................................................................................505 Mohammad Ali Abbass; James Church PART IV Benign Colorectal Disease 520 Chapter 41 Diverticulitis ...........................................................520 Willem A. Bemelman Chapter 42 Large Bowel Obstruction ..................................534 Katherine Newton; James Hill Chapter 43 Lower Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage ............546 Kathryn Oakland; Richard J. Guy Chapter 44 Endometriosis .......................................................565 Stijn L. Vlek; Velja Mijatovic; Jurriaan B. Tuynman Chapter 45 Trauma of the Colon, Rectum, and Anus .......................................................................573 Laura Jayne Watson; Deena Harji Chapter 46 Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Etiology and Pathophysiology ...............................................597 Tara M. Connelly; Walter A. Koltun Chapter 47 Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Diagnosis and Evaluation .........................................................617 Renée M. Marchioni Beery; Sunanda V. Kane Chapter 48 Medical Management of Ulcerative Colitis ..........................................................................626 Abigail J. Meyers; Edward V. Loftus Jr Chapter 49 Medical Management of Crohn’s Disease ............................................................................637 Polychronis Pavlidis; Peter M. Irving Chapter 50 Perianal Crohn’s Disease ....................................648 Nusrat Iqbal; Phil Tozer Chapter 51 Interventional Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Endoscopic Management of Complications ...............................................................................665 Bo Shen Chapter 52 Surgical Management of Crohn’s Disease ............................................................................672 Paulo Gustavo Kotze; Claudio Saddy Rodrigues Coy; Takayuki Yamamoto Chapter 53 Surgical Management of Ulcerative Colitis ..........................................................................688 Anthony de Buck van Overstraeten; Mantaj S. Brar Chapter 54 Construction of the Ileal Pouch ......................697 Francesca Di Candido; Antonino Spinelli Chapter 55 Complications of the Ileal Pouch ...................707 Samuel O. Adegbola; Janindra Warusavitarne Chapter 56 Infectious Colitides .............................................720 Lauren E. Matevish; Alexander T. Hawkins Chapter 57 Clostridioides difficile Infection ........................ 740 Kristen T. Crowell; David B. Stewart Chapter 58 Radiation, Microscopic, and Ischemic Colitis .............................................................................753 Michelle Cowan Chapter 59 Intestinal Stomas .................................................767 Sue J. Hahn; Jennifer S. Davids; Karim Alavi Chapter 60 Parastomal Hernias .............................................784 Clayton Petro; David M. Krpata Chapter 61 Functional Issues After Colorectal Surgery ......................................................................795 Julie CornishPART V Pelvic Floor 805 Chapter 62 Evaluation of the Pelvic Floor ..........................805 Ipek Sapci; Sarah A. Vogler Chapter 63 Constipation ..........................................................817 Deborah S. Keller Chapter 64 Obstructed Defecation ......................................831 Kim J. Gorissen; David Lam Chapter 65 Rectal Prolapse .....................................................839 Abhineet Uppal; Joseph C. Carmichael Chapter 66 Fecal Incontinence ..............................................849 Lisa Zhang; David Yu; Sunil V. Patel Chapter 67 Functional Bowel Disorders for the Colorectal Surgeon .......................................................857 Anuradha R. Bhama Chapter 68 Low Anterior Resection Syndrome ...............864 Katrine J. Emmertsen; Peter Christensen; Søren Laurberg Chapter 69 Organ Prolapse in the Anterior and Middle Compartments ....................................872 Alexandra Dubinskaya; Jennifer Anger; Joshua I. S. Bleier PART VI Interdisciplinary Management and Technologic Advances 889 Chapter 70 Reconstruction Following Colorectal Surgery ......................................................................889 Edward Nahabet; Jaco H. Festekjian Chapter 71 Complex Abdominal Wall Reconstruction .............................................................................909 Allard S. Timmer; Marja A. Boermeester Chapter 72 Urinary and Sexual Dysfunction After Colorectal Surgery ...........................................................924 Karen N. Zaghiyan; Phillip R. Fleshner Chapter 73 Intraoperative Urologic Consultation ..........928 Jennifer Yates; Glenn Dunne; Matthew Chabot; Mitchell H. Sokoloff Chapter 74 Gynecologic Oncology Considerations for Complex and Multivisceral Colorectal Resection ............942 Roberto Vargas; Robert Debernardo Jr Chapter 75 Spinal and Orthopedic Considerations for Advanced Colorectal Lesions ............949 William R. G. Perry; Peter S. Rose; Eric J. Dozois Chapter 76 Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery, Transanal Minimally Invasive Surgery, and Beyond ..................................................................959 Lawrence Lee; Sam B. Atallah Chapter 77 Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision ..............968 Heather Carmichael; F . Borja de Lacy; Anna Curell; Antonio de Lacy; Patricia Sylla Chapter 78 Transanal Approaches for Complications Following Colorectal Surgery ....................988 Rodrigo Pedraza; Maria Ximena Traa Kiely; Mark H. Whiteford Chapter 79 Utilizing a Robotic Approach in Colorectal Surgery ......................................................................997 Peter G. Vaughan-Shaw; Jim S. Khan Chapter 80 Telemedicine ......................................................1010 Irene Vogel; Nicola Reeves; Jared Torkington Chapter 81 Artificial Intelligence in Colorectal Surgery ...................................................................1017 Venkatesh Munikrishnan; Manish Chand Index .................................................................... 1025
Includes comprehensive coverage of the latest laparoscopic, robotic, and open diagnostic and surgical management techniques in all areas of colon and rectal surgery
Each chapter includes insightful section editor commentary throughout and concludes with a senior editor commentary written by Dr. Steele
Features a full-color design with hundreds of unique, detailed illustrations and photographs depicting the steps in today’s operative procedures
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Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
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