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Steele's Colon and Rectal Surgery

Edition: 1
Publication Date:
February 1, 2023
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    Offering comprehensive coverage of all diseases and conditions affecting the colon, rectum, and anus, Steele’s Colon and Rectal Surgery provides authoritative guidance on the full range of today’s operative procedures. Edited by Dr. Scott R. Steele, Chairman of the Department of Colorectal Surgery at the Cleveland Clinic, and section editors Drs.  Justin A. Maykel, Amy L. Lightner, and  Joshua I.S. Bleier, this new reference contains 81 concise, tightly focused chapters that take you step by step through each procedure, guided by the knowledge and expertise of key leaders in the field from across the world.
    • Includes comprehensive coverage of the latest laparoscopic, robotic, and open diagnostic and surgical management techniques in all areas of colon and rectal surgery 

    • Each chapter includes insightful section editor commentary throughout and concludes with a senior editor commentary written by Dr. Steele 

    • Features a full-color design with hundreds of unique, detailed illustrations and photographs depicting the steps in today’s operative procedures 

    Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience 

    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. 

    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech. 

  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    February 1, 2023
  • Scott Steele
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Steele's Colon and Rectal Surgery

Steele's Colon and Rectal Surgery

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975152925
USD $349.99 Quantity:
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