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Step-Up to Emergency Medicine

Edition: 1
Publication Date:
November 6, 2015
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An important addition to the popular Step-Up series, Step-Up to Emergency Medicine uses the proven series format to provide a ...
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  • An important addition to the popular Step-Up series, Step-Up to Emergency Medicine uses the proven series format to provide a high-yield review of emergency medicine, ideal for preparing for clerkships/clinical rotations, end of rotation/shelf exams, and the USMLE Step 2. Clinical pearls, full-color illustrations, and “Quick Hits” provide essential information in an efficient, easy-to-remember manner, perfect for medical, physician assistant, and nurse practitioner students. Step-Up to Emergency Medicine delivers exactly what you need to know—both for exam preparation and for practical use in the evaluation and treatment of patients in the emergency department.
    • Succinct, outline approach focuses on the core content you need to know.
    • “Quick Hits” in the margins highlight highly testable topics.
    • Clinical pearls help you identify clinical connections for handy retrieval at test time, and aid in the transition from basic science to clinical medicine.
    • More than 100 full-color photographs and line drawings illustrate key concepts throughout.
    • Easy-to-follow algorithms show examples of effective clinical reasoning, particularly for similar complaints.
    • Numerous charts, tables, graphs, and mnemonics facilitate easy retention of essential material.
    • 100 online questions with complete rationale for correct and incorrect answers, help prepare you for exams and clinical practice.
    • Coverage includes every essential area of emergency medicine, including psychiatric, pediatric, and environmental emergencies; trauma, wounds, toxicology, and medicolegal considerations–as well as must-know information on relevant pathophysiology, clinical features, differential diagnoses, patient evaluation, therapy, and more.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    8.375 x 10.875
    Publication Date
    November 6, 2015
  • Martin Huecker MD, FAAEM
    Scott H. Plantz MD, FAAEM
    • Succinct, outline approach focuses on the core content you need to know.
    • “Quick Hits” in the margins highlight highly testable topics.
    • Clinical pearls help you identify clinical connections for handy retrieval at test time, and aid in the transition from basic science to clinical medicine.
    • More than 100 full-color photographs and line drawings illustrate key concepts throughout.
    • Easy-to-follow algorithms show examples of effective clinical reasoning, particularly for similar complaints.
    • Numerous charts, tables, graphs, and mnemonics facilitate easy retention of essential material.
    • 100 online questions with complete rationale for correct and incorrect answers, help prepare you for exams and clinical practice.
    • Coverage includes every essential area of emergency medicine, including psychiatric, pediatric, and environmental emergencies; trauma, wounds, toxicology, and medicolegal considerations–as well as must-know information on relevant pathophysiology, clinical features, differential diagnoses, patient evaluation, therapy, and more.
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Step-Up to Emergency Medicine

Step-Up to Emergency Medicine

ISBN/ISSN: 9781451195149
USD $77.99 Quantity :
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