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Study Guide for Essentials of Nursing Research

Appraising Evidence for Nursing Practice
Edition: 10
Publication Date:
March 10, 2021
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The perfect learning companion to Essentials of Nursing Research, Tenth Edition, this Study Guide helps you bridge the gap between ...
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  • The perfect learning companion to Essentials of Nursing Research, Tenth Edition, this Study Guide helps you bridge the gap between students’ passive reading of abstract concepts and their active development of the skills needed to critically appraise research studies and apply findings in practice. 

    Engaging, systematic learning exercises — including application exercises, study questions, matching exercises, and completion exercises — reinforce students’ acquisition of basic research skills and help students easily remember essential information from the textbook. Complete research reports included in the appendices strengthen students’ understanding of evidence-based practice, and corresponding activities help cultivate the critical thinking skills they’ll use to confidently apply research findings throughout their nursing careers.  
    • UPDATED! Systematic exercises reflect the latest research approaches and practices as detailed in the textbook.
    • UPDATED! New organization mirrors the textbook to ensure the most efficient review.  
    • Fill in the Blanks exercises reinforce students’ grasp of important research concepts and terms, with answers available in the back of the book for easy reference and cross-checking.
    • Matching exercises strengthen students’ research vocabulary and challenge students to connect abstract research approaches with corresponding concrete research hypotheses, with answers in the back of the book. 
    • Study Questions test students’ recall of specific chapter material, with selected answers in the back of the book. 
    • Application Exercises provide essential practice reading, comprehending, and critically appraising nursing studies through two sets of questions: Questions of Fact (with answers in the back of the book) and Questions for Discussion.
    • 8 complete research reports included in the appendices, as well as activities related to those reports throughout the study guide, familiarize students with the kinds of real-world clinical evidence they’ll encounter, analyze, and apply in practice.
    Ensure a mastery of essential nursing skills and equip students for success throughout the nursing education continuum with the complete Essentials of Nursing Research, Tenth Edition solution:
    • Essentials of Nursing Research, Tenth Edition
    • Lippincott® CoursePoint
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    7 x 10
    Publication Date
    March 10, 2021
  • Denise Polit
    Cheryl Beck
  • Part I Overview of Nursing Research and Its Role in Evidence-Based Practice
    Chapter 1         Introducing Nursing Research for Evidence-Based Practice
    Chapter 2         Understanding Key Concepts and Steps in Quantitative and Qualitative Research
    Chapter 3         Reading and Critically Appraising Research Articles 
    Chapter 4         Attending to Ethics in Research
    Part 2 Preliminary Steps in Qualitative and Quantitative Research
    Chapter 5         Identifying Research Problems, Research Questions, and Hypotheses
    Chapter 6         Finding and Reviewing Research Evidence in the Literature
    Chapter 7         Understanding Theoretical and Conceptual Frameworks
    Part 3 Designs and Methods for Qualitative and Quantitative Nursing Research 
    Chapter 8         Appraising Quantitative Research Design
    Chapter 9         Appraising Sampling and Data Collection in Quantitative Studies 
    Chapter 10        Appraising Qualitative Designs and Approaches
    Chapter 11        Appraising Sampling and Data Collection in Qualitative Studies
    Chapter 12        Understanding Mixed Methods Research, Quality Improvement, and Other Special Types of Research
    Part 4 Analysis, Interpretation, and Application of Nursing Research
    Chapter 13        Understanding Statistical Analysis of Quantitative Data
    Chapter 14        Interpreting Quantitative Findings and Evaluating Clinical Significance 
    Chapter 15        Understanding the Analysis of Qualitative Data
    Chapter 16        Appraising Trustworthiness and Integrity in Qualitative Research
    Chapter 17        Learning from Systematic Reviews
    Chapter 18        Putting Research Evidence into Practice: Evidence-Based Practice and Practice-Based Evidence 
    Appendix A: Stephens et al., Smartphone Technology and Text Messaging for Weight Loss in Young Adults
    Appendix B: Ottosen et al., An Ethnography of Parents' Perceptions of Patient Safety in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
    Appendix C: Saqe-Rockoff et al., Improving Thermoregulation for Trauma Patients in the Emergency Department
    Appendix D: Eckhardt et al., Fatigue in the Presence of Coronary Heart Disease
    Appendix E: Langegard et al., The Art of Living with Symptoms
    Appendix F: Hountz et al., Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Using A Quality Improvement Approach in a Nurse-Managed Clinic 
    Appendix G: Chase et al., The Effectiveness of Medication Adherence Interventions Among Patients With Coronary Artery Disease
    Appendix H: Carr et al., Patient Information Needs and Breast Reconstruction After Mastectomy
    Appendix I: Answers to Selected Study Guide Exercises
    • UPDATED! Systematic exercises reflect the latest research approaches and practices as detailed in the textbook.
    • UPDATED! New organization mirrors the textbook to ensure the most efficient review.  
    • Fill in the Blanks exercises reinforce students’ grasp of important research concepts and terms, with answers available in the back of the book for easy reference and cross-checking.
    • Matching exercises strengthen students’ research vocabulary and challenge students to connect abstract research approaches with corresponding concrete research hypotheses, with answers in the back of the book. 
    • Study Questions test students’ recall of specific chapter material, with selected answers in the back of the book. 
    • Application Exercises provide essential practice reading, comprehending, and critically appraising nursing studies through two sets of questions: Questions of Fact (with answers in the back of the book) and Questions for Discussion.
    • 8 complete research reports included in the appendices, as well as activities related to those reports throughout the study guide, familiarize students with the kinds of real-world clinical evidence they’ll encounter, analyze, and apply in practice.
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Study Guide for Essentials of Nursing Research

Study Guide for Essentials of Nursing Research

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975146399
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