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Synthesizing Economic Evidence

Publication Date:
January 31, 2019
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Systematic reviews of economic evidence select, critique and synthesize data from multiple economic evaluation primary research studies on the economic ...
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  • Systematic reviews of economic evidence select, critique and synthesize data from multiple economic evaluation primary research studies on the economic aspects of healthcare. They can provide relevant evidence on efficiency, resulting in less biased, decision-maker oriented information, which may be more likely to convince decision makers compared with evidence from single studies. This book presents step by step methodological guidance for systematic reviews of economic evidence that are designed to inform healthcare decision making.
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    January 31, 2019
  • Catalin Tufanaru
    Woan-Shin Tan
  • Section I: The Synthesis of Economic Evidence
    1. The Nature of Economic Evidence
    2. Developing a Protocol for a Review of Economic Evidence
    Section II: Conducting a Systematic Review of Economic Evidence
    3. Searching for Economic Evidence
    4. Selecting and Critically Appraising Economic Studies
    5. Data Extraction
    6. Data Synthesis
    7. Developing a Systematic Review Report
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Synthesizing Economic Evidence

Synthesizing Economic Evidence

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975124052
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