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Textbook of Couples and Family Therapy in Clinical Practice

Edition: 6
Publication Date:
November 30, 2024
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Drawing on extensive clinical experience as well as on the scientific literature in the family-systems, psychiatry, psychotherapy, and neuroscience fields, ...
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  • Drawing on extensive clinical experience as well as on the scientific literature in the family-systems, psychiatry, psychotherapy, and neuroscience fields, Textbook of Couples and Family Therapy in Clinical Practice, 6th Edition, delivers essential information for psychiatrists, physicians in other specialties, and physical and mental health professionals at all levels of practice. Drs. Ira D. Glick and Alison M. Heru, along with new co-author Danielle Kamis, cover general concepts of family function and dysfunction, family therapy, and family-oriented interventions—all in an easy to read and digestible manner. This practical clinical guide helps clinicians work within family systems by reviewing clinical practice considerations, current research, and training issues, in part through real-world case examples.
    • Reviews how to evaluate the modern family, formulate a diagnostic plan, delineate goals, and plan treatment
    • Incorporates up-to-date research on current therapeutic techniques and today’s family dynamics
    • Reflects gender equality in the family system, and includes new coverage on diversity and cultural issues, including LGBTQ+ issues
    • Offers discussions of ethical quandaries, professionalism, and training issues
    • Presents techniques to foster change and growth in both individuals and their families, and provides indications, contraindications, and evidence-based results
    • Designed to be an ideal, interdisciplinary resource for any treatment provider working with families including psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, social workers, LMFTs, and advance practice nurses

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  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    7 x 10
    Publication Date
    November 30, 2024
  • Ira Glick
$ 119.99 USD $119.99

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Textbook of Couples and Family Therapy in Clinical Practice

Textbook of Couples and Family Therapy in Clinical Practice

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975239367
USD $119.99 Quantity :
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