Now thoroughly updated for today’s residents, Dr. Steven M. Fiser’s The ABSITE Review, Eighth Edition, covers every topic on the current American Board of Surgery In-Training Examination in a high-yield, memory-prompting outline format. This concise, full-color handbook offers a rapid review of essential surgery information with sufficient explanation to build knowledge and confidence as you prepare for this critically important exam.
Covers every topic on the ABSITE, from basic science to clinical knowledge in general surgery and surgical subspecialties
Facilitates quick study and memorization with a streamlined outline and list format, full-color illustrations, tables, and algorithms
Highlights must-know information in bold throughout the text
Reflects the current ABSITE exam and can be used independently of other study materials
Also useful for certification or recertification with a proven format that allows you to spend more time studying important facts and less time searching for them
Product Format
Paperback Book
Publication Date
April 30, 2025
USD $76.99
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