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The ASAM Essentials of Addiction Medicine

Edition: 3
Publication Date:
March 12, 2019
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Derived from ASAM’s definitive work , Principles of Addiction Medicine, 6th Edition , this companion resource is ideal for residents, fellows, and ...
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  • Derived from ASAM’s definitive work , Principles of Addiction Medicine, 6th Edition , this companion resource is ideal for residents, fellows, and practitioners in psychiatry, as well as addiction medicine specialists and other healthcare workers who provide care to patients with substance use disorders. Streamlined and easy to use, the Essentials volume provides authoritative information on everything from the pharmacology of addiction through diagnosis, assessment, and early intervention—all in concise, easy-to-navigate format for ease of reference.
    • Presents the collective wisdom of hundreds of esteemed authorities on the art and science of addiction medicine, including the physical, emotional, and mental health effects of substance misuse.
    • Features key points, review questions, and suggested readings that help maximize understanding and retention of essential concepts.
    • Covers the various forms of addiction management, treatment of individual patient populations, management of intoxication and withdrawal, pharmacologic and behavioral interventions, recovery programs, medical disorders and complications, co-occurring addiction and psychiatric disorders, pain and addiction, children and adolescents, and ethical, legal, and liability issues.
    • Follows the format of the larger text, with each chapter in Essentials providing a summary of the corresponding chapter in Principles .
    • Serves as a day-to-day clinical resource as well as a review tool for those preparing for addiction medicine and addiction psychiatry certification exams.

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  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    7 x 10
    Publication Date
    March 12, 2019
  • Abigail Herron
    Timothy Koehler Brennan MD, MPH
  • Derived from ASAM’s definitive work, Principles of Addiction Medicine, 6th Edition , this companion resource is ideal for residents, fellows, and practitioners in psychiatry, as well as addiction medicine specialists and other healthcare workers who provide care to patients with substance use disorders. Streamlined and easy to use, the Essentials volume provides authoritative information on everything from the pharmacology of addiction through diagnosis, assessment, and early intervention—all in concise, easy-to-navigate format for ease of reference.
    • Presents the collective wisdom of hundreds of esteemed authorities on the art and science of addiction medicine, including the physical, emotional, and mental health effects of substance misuse.
    • Features key points, review questions, and suggested readings that help maximize understanding and retention of essential concepts.
    • Covers the various forms of addiction management, treatment of individual patient populations, management of intoxication and withdrawal, pharmacologic and behavioral interventions, recovery programs, medical disorders and complications, co-occurring addiction and psychiatric disorders, pain and addiction, children and adolescents, and ethical, legal, and liability issues.
    • Follows the format of the larger text, with each chapter in Essentials providing a summary of the corresponding chapter in Principles .
    • Serves as a day-to-day clinical resource as well as a review tool for those preparing for addiction medicine and addiction psychiatry certification exams.

    Enhance Your eBook Reading Experience
    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
  • This quick reference to all areas of addiction medicine is a condensed version of The ASAM Principles of Addiction Medicine, 6th edition, Miller et al. (Wolters Kluwer, 2019).
    It is designed to present key clinical points from each chapter in the main textbook in streamlined format. The goal is to distill the essential knowledge that constitutes the core of addiction medicine and provide a more concise source of up-to-date and clinically relevant information.
    The purpose is to provide the clinically relevant information for healthcare professionals not in the addiction field. It is also an excellent book for residents, fellows, nurses, and clinicians in the addiction field to use to review the recent pertinent information regarding treating these diseases.
    This book is organized into 14 sections that correspond to the main textbook.
    Each chapter is a distilled summary of the information presented in its companion chapter in the textbook. The first section on basic science is followed by sections reviewing pharmacology (opiates, stimulants, caffeine, nicotine, cannabinoids, hallucinogens and designer drugs, dissociatives, inhalants, and steroids) diagnosis and intervention (including special populations, emergency rooms, geriatrics, and laboratory testing), management of withdrawal, psychosocial, behavioral, and pharmacological treatments (for alcohol, opioids, stimulants and nicotine), and self-help groups. The book then covers special populations such as those with medical problems caused by alcohol and drugs and co-occurring psychiatric disorders, addiction and pain, children and adolescents, and ending with ethical, legal, and liability issues in addictions practice.
    This is a condensed but thorough overview of all areas of addiction medicine.
    The chapters in each section provide pertinent clinical information in an easy-to-read fashion. The book provides an efficient overview of the material, which that can be examined in greater detail if so desired by referring to the main textbook."
    Weighted Numerical Score: 87 - 3 Stars
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The ASAM Essentials of Addiction Medicine

The ASAM Essentials of Addiction Medicine

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