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Written by national recognized experts and senior fellows at leading research institutions, including the National Institutes of Health, and edited by Drs. Griffin P. Rodgers and Neal S. Young, The Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Hematology, 5th Edition, is a concise, comprehensive handbook designed for everyday clinical use. Organized in a quick-reference, portable format, it covers the clinical information you need to know for the diagnosis and treatment all of blood and bone marrow disorders. Readable and practical, the Bethesda Handbook features numerous tables, algorithms, illustrations, and bulleted lists throughout to help bridge the gap between cutting-edge science and everyday clinical practice.
Provides clinically focused, authoritative, and current guidance in this complex area, logically organized by disease category
Discusses the pathophysiology, natural history, risk factors, diagnosis, management, and follow-up of common hematological diseases
Features new diagnostic and treatment strategies, updated references, and revised information throughout
An ideal resource for practitioners at every level of training: students, residents, and fellows on a hematology or oncology service, as well as internists, hospitalists, family practitioners, pediatricians, and nurse practitioners whose practice includes patients with blood diseases
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