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The Canadian Journal of Addiction

Official Publication of the Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine
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*Institutional subscriptions are Print only and do not include online access. For online access, please contact Ovid.

Publication Frequency:
Published 4 times per year (Quarterly)
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  • The Canadian Journal of Addiction/Journal Canadien d'Addiction (CJA-JCA) is the official publication of the Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine/La Societe Medicale Canadienne sur l'Addiction (CSAM-SMCA).

    The Canadian Journal of Addiction is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to practical clinical research, management and treatment issues related to addictive disorders and their behaviors.

    The Canadian Journal of Addiction (CJA-JCA) publishes broad-spectrum, patient-oriented coverage of all aspects of addiction, directed toward an audience of addiction medicine clinicians, primary care providers, psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, pharmacists, and other health care practitioners involved in alleviating the consequences of the misuses of alcohol and licit and illicit drugs as well as addictive behaviors.

    Become a member of Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine (CSAM-SMCA) and receive the Canadian Journal of Addiction (CJA-JCA) as a member benefit! Visit www.csam-smca.org for more information!
    About the Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine (CSAM)

    Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine/La Societe Medicale Canadienne sur l'Addiction (CSAM-SMCA) is a professional specialty organization for health professionals in in the area of Substance-related Use Disorders. CSAM’s mission is to advance education of health professionals in the field of addiction medicine developing and providing courses and conferences, conducting research and establishing clinical standards. CSAM aims to educate the public about the assessment, treatment and prevention of addiction by collecting, and disseminating information on that topic who are committed to the prevention, intervention, treatment and management of substance abuse, misuse and other addictive disorders. For more information, please visit www.csam-smca.org
    Product Format
    Online Journal Only
    Publication Frequency
    Published 4 times per year (Quarterly)
  • Nady el-Guebaly M.D.
  • -- Original Research aids clinicians to make more informed, effective decisions regarding management and treatment issues related to addictive disorders and their behaviors.
    -- In-depth reviews assess current understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of addiction disorders.
    -- Clinical Case Columns present of one or two anonymous patient cases, followed by discussion from different clinical viewpoints on how best to assess, diagnose, and treat the patient shall serve to translate research findings into clinical practice.
    -- Editorial and Commentaries address articles in the current or recent issue, issues currently before the addiction community, or other special topics selected by the Editor.
    -- Brief Communications include preliminary reports, case reports and secondary studies from previous publications.
    -- Book Reviews provide insight of books in the Addiction field of interest to the CJA-JCA.
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The Canadian Journal of Addiction

The Canadian Journal of Addiction

ISBN/ISSN: 2368-4739
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