Home / Medicine / The Difficult Cesarean Delivery: Safeguards and Pitfalls

The Difficult Cesarean Delivery: Safeguards and Pitfalls

Publication Date:
March 6, 2020
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Rising numbers of Cesarean sections and maternal obesity and associated health risks have resulted in increasingly complex Cesarean deliveries and ...
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  • Rising numbers of Cesarean sections and maternal obesity and associated health risks have resulted in increasingly complex Cesarean deliveries and outcomes, requiring today’s surgeon to stay attuned to evolving best practices and master new surgical techniques. This first-of-its-kind reference provides step-by-step, highly illustrated guidance on managing challenging Cesarean sections with a focus on the challenges of abnormal placentation and strategies to manage it. In a concise, readable format, this text is designed to help surgeons anticipate intraoperative and postoperative challenges and optimize outcomes for mother and baby.
    • Focuses on avoiding and managing surgical pitfalls and complications, providing safeguards and practical, hands-on guidance for surgeons at all levels of experience.
    • Reviews the physiology of abnormal placentation (placenta accreta spectrum) and management of pre-delivery diagnosis, intraoperative and emergent abnormal placentation.
    • Covers preparation and decision-making regarding type of incision, anesthesia, uterine conservation, management of acute post-procedure hemorrhage, intraoperative uterine artery catheterization and occlusion, and transarterial embolization.
    • Includes special chapters on Peripartum Hysterectomy, Urologic and Gastrointestinal Injuries, Prerequisites for the Operative Suite, and two important imaging chapters on Diagnostic Imaging in Abnormal Placentation and the Role of Interventional Radiology.
    • The eBook provides access to 11 surgical videos.

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    • Easily convert to audiobook,powering your content with natural language text-to-speech. 
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    7 x 10
    Publication Date
    March 6, 2020
  • Guy I. Benrubi MD
    Senior Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, Robert J. Thompson Professor and Chair, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Florida College of Medicine—Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL
    • Focuses on avoiding and managing surgical pitfalls and complications, providing safeguards and practical, hands-on guidance for surgeons at all levels of experience.
    • Reviews the physiology of abnormal placentation (placenta accreta spectrum) and management of pre-delivery diagnosis, intraoperative and emergent abnormal placentation.
    • Covers preparation and decision-making regarding type of incision, anesthesia, uterine conservation, management of acute post-procedure hemorrhage, intraoperative uterine artery catheterization and occlusion, and transarterial embolization.
    • Includes special chapters on Peripartum Hysterectomy, Urologic and Gastrointestinal Injuries, Prerequisites for the Operative Suite, and two important imaging chapters on Diagnostic Imaging in Abnormal Placentation and the Role of Interventional Radiology.
    • The eBook provides access to 11 surgical videos.

    ​Enrich Your Ebook Reading Experience

    • Read directly on your preferred device(s),such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
    • Easily convert to audiobook,powering your content with natural language text-to-speech. 
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The Difficult Cesarean Delivery: Safeguards and Pitfalls

The Difficult Cesarean Delivery: Safeguards and Pitfalls

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975116675
USD $179.99 Quantity:
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9781975116675 The Difficult Cesarean Delivery: Safeguards and Pitfalls 9781975116675 Home / Medicine / The Difficult Cesarean Delivery: Safeguards and Pitfalls 1 https://t16833-s25855.mozu.com/The-Difficult-Cesarean-Delivery--Safeguards-and-Pitfalls/p/9781975116675 //cdn-tp2.mozu.com/16833-25855/cms/25855/files/9308a112-4314-459a-893a-e0c4617d4994 179.99 179.99 179.99 1

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