Issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion are of utmost importance in today’s medical schools, and the University of Michigan is at the forefront of effecting change in this key area of medical education. Drs. Michael Mulholland and Erika Newman and the Department of Surgery at the University of Michigan School of Medicine developed the Michigan Promise with the goal of achieving better results and assisting other schools of medicine to make progress in this area, as well. The Diversity Promise: Success in Academic Surgery and Medicine Through Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion discusses the structure and implementation of this innovative program—information that is easily transferrable to any department in a school of medicine.
Allows any school of medicine to learn and benefit from a program that is setting the standard and making progress in this vital area of today’s medical education.
Familiarizes readers with each category of the Michigan Promise program: Environment, Achievement, Recruitment, Leadership, Innovation and Outreach.
Chapters are written by professors at the University of Michigan as well as nationally known experts and cover developing faculty, medical students, and residents.
Covers topics such as building an open and inclusive environment for faculty, mentoring and sponsorship, leadership and research development, outreach and global health, attracting talented medical students, developing talent in residents, and much more.
Incorporates clear, easy-to-understand images that employ elements of the visual abstract, a method of disseminating scientific research now adopted by dozens of medical and scientific journals and institutions.
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Product Format
Hardcover Book
Trim Size
7 x 10
Publication Date
May 8, 2020
Michael W Mulholland MD, PhD
Frederick A. Coller Distinguished Professor of Surgery, Chair, Department of Surgery, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Allows any school of medicine to learn and benefit from a program that is setting the standard and making progress in this vital area of today’s medical education.
Familiarizes readers with each category of the Michigan Promise program: Environment, Achievement, Recruitment, Leadership, Innovation and Outreach.
Chapters are written by professors at the University of Michigan as well as nationally known experts and cover developing faculty, medical students, and residents.
Covers topics such as building an open and inclusive environment for faculty, mentoring and sponsorship, leadership and research development, outreach and global health, attracting talented medical students, developing talent in residents, and much more.
Incorporates clear, easy-to-understand images that employ elements of the visual abstract, a method of disseminating scientific research now adopted by dozens of medical and scientific journals and institutions.
Enrich Your Ebook Reading Experience
Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
The Diversity Promise: Success in Academic Surgery and Medicine Through Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
ISBN/ISSN: 9781975135478
USD $143.99 Quantity:
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